Checking Assignment Failure Logs


There might be some scenarios where a case arrives in a work queue but the algorithm cannot find the suitable agent for assignment. This results in assignment failure for that case. Unified Routing captures the reason of all the assignment failures and the time when it was occured.

To view assignment failure in a particular work queue, Click on three dots beside any work queue name and click View Details. This will open a third pane on the right with different tabs. Users can switch between these tabs by simply clicking on it.

Click on Assignment Failures section in the naviagtion pane on the right. Here, whenever the routing engine fails to assign a case to the agent, the reason is captured here with the time when it was occured. The major reasons which are responsible for assignement failures can be

  • All Users Unavailable - When no users are in the correct availability status in the work queue

  • All Users Capacity Reached - When all the eligible users are operationg at maximum workload.

  • No User With Required Skill - When there is no user with the skills required for the case.

  • Daily Assignment Capacity Reached - When the total assignments of the day per user has exceed the defined limit.

On clicking View Case, you can open the details of the case for which assignement failure occured.