Troubleshooting the Assignment Issues


As nothing is perfect in this world, our near-to-perfect Unified Routing also fails sometimes to assign a case to an agent. There might be unfortunate situations, where an agent is not getting any case despite more and more new customer cases are coming in the work queue. For these situations, Unfied Routing also offers various ways by which supervisors can check the assignment issues and find the reason. Most of the time, the reasons are from the list described below :

  • Case did not assign due to Agent Unavailability

  • Case did not assign due to Agent's full capacity

  • Case did not assign due to available Agents not having the required skills and proficiencies.

  • Case is still stucked in rule and hasn't been assigned to the work queue for assginment.

In this article, we will learn about how we can troubleshoot the assignment issues from the platform.

Assignment Issue : Case is not getting assigned to user

Step 1 : Check if the case is assigned to Work Queue

Sometimes, the case gets stuck somewhere in the rule engine due to incorrect configuration. The case is not assigned to the work queue. To make sure that the case is assigned to work queue, check the pending cases in the work queue details.

Step 2 : Check Agent's Availability Status, Skills and Consumed Capacity

This can also be viewed directly from the Assignees tab of queue details section as shown.

1. The agent must be in correct availability status as per defined in work queue settings. Only then a case will be assigned to agent. In the above case, only Anil Singh and Unmesh Desale are in correct availability status to receive the case.

2. The agent should have required amount of free capacity points so that the case can be assigned to him. This can be checked from "Consumed Capacity"column in the Assignees tab of queue details.

Suppose the case requires 20 capacity points of user (as per capacity profile assigned to the user). Then agent's maximum consumed capacity should be equal to or less than 80 for the case to get assigned. If the agent's consumed capacity is greater than this value, the case won't get assigned even if the agent is available and has skills.

3. For skill based routing, we have to check the skills that are tagged with the case and those which are assigned to the agent. Normally, we tag the Skills required for a case in the custom field (Required Skills (CF) in the video below). We can check the case properties for getting the skills that are tagged with the case.

For Agents, we can check the assigned skills in the Assignees Tab of queue details pane. If the available agents in queue do not have all the required skills, then the case will be not be assigned to any agent.


For Best Skill Matching criteria, we also have to check the correponsing skill proficiency (deonoted in bracket). If the available agents do not have the minimum required proficiency for any of the required skills, then the case will be not be assigned to any agent.

Assignment Issue : Agent is not getting cases

Step 1 : Check Agent's Availability Status

This step is same as described in the previous section.

Step 2 : Check Agent's Skills and Consumed Capacity

We can additionally check the Skills and Capacity profile that is assigned to the agent are correct or not. For this, navigate to the Agents tab of Unified Routing and Edit the Agent.

Step 3 : Check agent's current assignments

For an agent having consumed capacity greater than or equal to 100, no further assignments will be done unless the capacity is cleared (unless we have define overflow capacity). To know how to check cases/messages/tasks currently assigned to an agent, refer this article. We can delete the unwanted assignments to free up the agent capacity.

Using Care Reporting to find assignment failure reasons

You can also use Sprinklr's powerful Care Reporting module to check the past assignments of any agent or work queue. Along with this you can also view the skills assigned to an agent, skills tagged with case, case priority rank, etc. corresponding to a case. To know about how to plot assignment reports, refer to this article.