Audit Checklist Permissions


Following are the permissions and corresponding descriptions relevant to the audit checklist.

Audit Checklist Reponses



When QM is not enabled


Allows users to view audit in the virality and case third pane.


Allows users to edit the completed audit done by the logged-in user.


Allows users to delete the audit done by the logged-in user.

Global Delete

Allows users to delete any evaluations done.

Global Edit

Allows Backup QMs to edit the evaluations done.

When QM is enabled


Allows users to view the audit cards.


Allows users to edit the evaluation.

  • If the evaluation status is Agent Acknowledgement Pending or Re-evaluation Pending, the auditor can edit the evaluation (irrespective of permissions).

  • If the evaluation status is Re-evaluated, the auditor cannot edit the evaluation (irrespective of permissions).

  • If the evaluation status is Completed:

    • If completed using Agent Acknowledgement, the auditor is not able to edit the evaluation.

    • If completed using System Acknowledgement or No Acknowledgement is set on the checklist, the auditor is able to edit the evaluation with this permission.


  • If the audit is in Re-evaluated or Completed State (by agent accepting the audit), the auditor is not able to delete the audit.

  • In all other cases, the auditor is able to delete the audit with this permission.

Global Delete

Allows users to delete any evaluations done by anyone.

Global Edit

Allow users to edit evaluations submitted by anyone, regardless of the evaluation state.

Note: While the evaluated agent won't receive a notification, they can still review the updated scores either through reporting or via the standard case evaluation widget.

Mask Auditor

Hide the auditor name on an evaluation scorecard and replace it with "Anonymous."

Also, hide the Audited By filter in the Case Evaluation third pane.

Peer To Peer Calibration

Allow users to view the scores given by peer auditors.

Audit Checklist




Allows users to view the audit checklists.


Allows users to create new audit checklists.


Allows users to edit the audit checklists.


Allows users to delete the audit checklists.


Allows users to perform calibrations on audits across Agent Acknowledgement Pending, Completed, and Re-evaluated cases.