Audit Checklist Permissions


Following are the permissions and corresponding descriptions relevant to the audit checklist.

Audit Checklist Reponses



When QM is not enabled


Allows users to view audit in the virality and case third pane.


Allows users to edit the completed audit done by the logged-in user.


Allows users to delete the audit done by the logged-in user.

Global Delete

Allows users to delete any evaluations done.

Global Edit

Allows Backup QMs to edit the evaluations done.

When QM is enabled


Allows users to view the audit cards.


Allows users to edit the evaluation.

  • If the evaluation status is Agent Acknowledgement Pending or Re-evaluation Pending, the auditor can edit the evaluation (irrespective of permissions).

  • If the evaluation status is Re-evaluated, the auditor cannot edit the evaluation (irrespective of permissions).

  • If the evaluation status is Completed:

    • If completed using Agent Acknowledgement, the auditor is not able to edit the evaluation.

    • If completed using System Acknowledgement or No Acknowledgement is set on the checklist, the auditor is able to edit the evaluation with this permission.


  • If the audit is in Re-evaluated or Completed State (by agent accepting the audit), the auditor is not able to delete the audit.

  • In all other cases, the auditor is able to delete the audit with this permission.

Global Delete

Allows users to delete any evaluations done by anyone.

Global Edit

Allow users to edit evaluations submitted by anyone, regardless of the evaluation state.

Note: While the evaluated agent won't receive a notification, they can still review the updated scores either through reporting or via the standard case evaluation widget.

Mask Auditor

Hide the auditor name on an evaluation scorecard and replace it with "Anonymous."

Also, hide the Audited By filter in the Case Evaluation third pane.

Peer To Peer Calibration

Allow users to view the scores given by peer auditors.

Audit Checklist




Allows users to view the audit checklists.


Allows users to create new audit checklists.


Allows users to edit the audit checklists.


Allows users to delete the audit checklists.


Allows users to perform calibrations on audits across Agent Acknowledgement Pending, Completed, and Re-evaluated cases.

Enhanced Checklist Level Permissions

Quality Management permissions related to Checklist Responses are moved from Role permissions to Checklist permissions to provide more granular control over access to audit evaluations. Permissions are created for different types of Evaluations and Personas associated in Manual QM flow. ​
​Data in Reporting also gets filtered automatically based on the permissions associate with the logged in users.​
​Permissions are also introduced in AI Checklist Builder to support visibility of AI evaluations and ability to provide feedback on AI evaluations. Permissions are now divided into three distinct sections—Evaluation, Calibration, and Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Result Analysis. These sections allow for granular control over who can Create, View, Edit, Delete, and Dispute on specific checklists. 

Enablement Note: Access to this feature is controlled by DP (dynamic property). To enable this feature in your environment, reach out to your Success Manager. Alternatively, you can submit a request at

Managing Permissions

  1. On the Sprinklr Launchpad, search Audit Checklist. Select the Audit Checklist option.

  2. In the top right corner of the Audit Checklist window, click Add Checklist.

  3. Click on the second screen, Manage Permissions.

  4. Select the Permission from the Permissions drop down list.

  5. Select the Users from the Share Permissions with drop down list.

The permissions available on the Permission drop down list are as follows:




Under Evaluation Permission the below set of Permissions are available.
1. Label - Evaluation
2. Select governance of permissions related to Default Evaluations and Peer to Peer Evaluations.


The Create permission gives rights to create evaluations(default and P2P Evaluations) on this checklist. Corresponding to Create Permission, user need to select the User/User Groups who can have this permission. The governance of the visibility of checklist in the dropdown in audit results widget in case analytics is governed by this permission.
This permission is used so that a user can get evaluations assigned to them via rules+macros and Audit using the + icon.
Create Permission is mandatory permission to be selected before saving the checklist else an error is shown. Error - "Hold On ! Select Users for Create Evaluation Permission to save the Audit Checklist".


The View permission selects who can View the default and P2P evaluations on this checklist. The View Evaluation permission has the below options which the user can select.

a. Agent - View all evaluations where logged in user is the evaluated agent

b. Agent Managers - View all evaluations where logged in user is from the manager hierarchy of the evaluated agent

c. Auditor - View all evaluations where the logged in user is the auditor on the evaluation.

d. Auditor Managers - View all evaluations where the logged in user is from the manager hierarchy of the auditor.

e. Backup Auditor - View all evaluations where the logged in user is the Secondary User of the auditor on the evaluation.

f. User/User Group


The Edit permission selects who can View & Edit the default and P2P evaluations on this checklist. The Edit Evaluation permission has the below options which the user can select.

a. Auditor - View & Edit all evaluations where the logged in user is the auditor on the evaluation

b. Auditor Managers - View & Edit all evaluations where the logged in user is from the manager hierarchy of the auditor

c. Backup Auditor - View & Edit all evaluations where the logged in user is the Secondary User of the auditor on the evaluation.

d. User/User Group


The Delete permission selects who can View, Edit & Delete the default and P2P evaluations on this checklist.
The Delete Evaluation permission has the below options which the user can select.

a. Auditor - View, Edit & Delete all evaluations where the logged in user is the auditor on the evaluation.

b. Auditor Managers - View, Edit & Delete all evaluations where the logged in user is from the manager hierarchy of the auditor.

c. Backup Auditor - View, Edit & Delete all evaluations where the logged in user is the Secondary User of the auditor on the evaluation.

d. User/User Group


The Dispute Permission shows only when the Agent Acknowledgement process is enabled in the checklist. The Dispute Evaluation permission has the below options which the user can select. Select who can raise disputes on default evaluation.

a. Agent - Accept or dispute those evaluations where logged in user is the agent.
b. Agent Managers - Accept or Dispute those evaluations where logged in user is from the manager hierarchy of evaluated agent.
c. User/User Group - If no Permission is selected under Dispute then the error is shown while saving the checklist Error - "Hold On! Select Users for Dispute Evaluation Permission to save the Audit Checklist."

Dispute Approval

The Dispute Approval permission shows only when the Supervisor Approval process is enabled in the checklist. The Supervisor Approval permission has the below options which the user can select. Select who can validate the disputes raised on the evaluation.

a. Agent Managers - Approve or reject the disputes raised on those evaluations where logged in user is from manager hierarchy of the evaluated agent.
b. User/User Group - If no Permission is selected under Dispute Approval then the error is displayed while saving the checklist Error - “Hold On! Select Users for Dispute Approval Evaluation Permission to save the Audit Checklist”.


Under Calibration Permission the below set of Permissions will be available.
1. Label - Calibration
2. Select governance of permissions related to all levels of Calibration evaluations.


The Calibrate permission selects all who can perform any level of calibrations for this checklist. Corresponding to Calibrate Evaluation, user will need to select the User/User Groups who can have this permission. If there is no permission then no calibration is assigned. With Calibration Permission user gets Team View Permission as well.


The View permission selects who can View calibration evaluations on this checklist.
The View Calibration permission has the below options which the user can select.

a. Auditor - View all those calibration evaluations where logged in user is the auditor in the calibration.

b. Auditor Managers - View all those calibration evaluations where logged in user from the manager hierarchy of the auditor in the calibration.

c. Calibrator - View all those calibration evaluations where logged in user is the Calibrator.

d. Calibrator Managers - View all those calibration evaluations where logged in user from the manager hierarchy of the Calibrator.

e. Backup Calibrator - View all those calibration evaluations where logged in user is the Secondary User of the Calibrator on the evaluation.

f. User/User Group


The Edit permission selects who can View & Edit calibration evaluations on this checklist. The Edit Calibration permission has the below options which the user can select.

a. Calibrator - View & Edit all those calibration evaluations where logged in user is the Calibrator.

b. Calibrator Managers - View & Edit all those calibration evaluations where logged in user from the manager hierarchy of the Calibrator.

c. Backup Calibrator - View & Edit all those calibration evaluations where logged in user is the Secondary User of the Calibrator on the evaluation.

d. User/User Group


The Delete permission selects who can View, Edit & Delete calibration evaluations on this checklist. The Edit Calibration permission has the below options which the user can select.

a. Calibrator - View, Edit & Delete all those calibration evaluations where logged in user is the Calibrator.

b. Calibrator Managers - View, Edit & Delete all those calibration evaluations where logged in user from the manager hierarchy of the Calibrator.

c. Backup Calibrator - View, Edit & Delete all those calibration evaluations where logged in user is the Secondary User of the Calibrator on the evaluation.

d. User/User Group


The Dispute permission selects who can raise dispute on calibration evaluations.
Dispute Permission to show only when the Auditor Acknowledgement process is enabled in the checklist. The Dispute Calibration permission has the below options which the user can select.

a. Auditor - Accept or Dispute all those calibration evaluations where logged in user is the auditor in the calibration.

b. Auditor Managers - Accept or dispute all those calibration evaluations where logged in user from the manager hierarchy of the auditor in the calibration.

c. User/User Group - If no Permission is selected under Dispute then an error is shown while saving the checklist. Error - "Hold On! Select Users for Dispute Calibration Permission to save the Audit Checklist".

Peer to Peer

Under Peer to Peer Analysis Permission the below set of Permissions will be available.
1. Label - Peer to Peer Analysis
2. Select governance of permissions related to Peer to Peer Analysis Card created for this checklist.


The View permission selects who can view the P2P Analysis Card and all associated P2P evaluations. The View P2P Analysis has the below options which the user can select.

a. Primary Evaluator - Only the Primary Evaluator from the P2P user group will be able to view the P2P Analysis Card.

b. User/User Group


The Close permission selects who can view and close uncompleted P2P evaluations from P2P Analysis Card. The View P2P Analysis has the below options which the user can select.

a. Primary Evaluator - Only the Primary Evaluator from the P2P user group will be able to close the uncompleted P2P evaluation.

b. User/User Group

The Users available on the Share Permission drop down list are as follows:





View all evaluations where the logged-in user is the evaluated agent.

Agent Managers

View all evaluations where the logged-in user is from the manager hierarchy of the evaluated agent.


View, edit and delete all evaluations where the logged-in user is the auditor on the evaluation.

Also, view all those calibration evaluations where the logged-in user is the auditor in the calibration.

Auditor Managers

View, edit and delete all evaluations where the logged-in user is the auditor on the evaluation.

Also, view all those calibration evaluations where the logged-in user is from the manager hierarchy of the auditor in the calibration.

Backup Auditor

View, edit and delete all evaluations where the logged-in user is the auditor on the evaluation.

Also, view all those calibration evaluations where the logged-in user is the Secondary User of the Calibrator on the evaluation.


View, Edit, Delete all those calibration evaluations where logged-in user is Calibrator on the evaluation.

Calibrator Managers

View, Edit, Delete all those calibration evaluations where logged-in user is from the manager hierarchy of the Calibrator.

Backup calibrator

View, Edit, Delete all those calibration evaluations where logged-in user is the Secondary User of the Calibrator on the evaluation.

Primary Evaluator

Only the Primary Evaluator from the P2P user group will be able to view and close the P2P Analysis Card.

User Groups

Create, view, edit and delete all evaluations where the logged-in user are the User Groups.

Also, View, Edit, Delete and Calibrate all those calibration evaluations where logged-in user are the User Groups.

And can view and close the P2P Analysis Card.


Create, view, edit and delete all evaluations where the logged-in user are the User Groups.

Also, View, Edit, Delete and Calibrate all those calibration evaluations where logged-in user are the User Groups.

And can view and close the P2P Analysis Card.