
Audit Checklist Reporting


The standard Quality Management reporting dashboard displays a range of relevant Quality metrics and KPIs that allow Quality managers and supervisors to look at agent quality performance and extract post-call data in order to train the agents better.

Standard Quality Management Widgets

Top QM Metrics

Widget Name

Metric Name

Filters Applied

Total Allocations

Total Manual Evaluations


Total Evaluations Done

Total Manual Evaluations

Audit Status = Completed, Re-Evaluated, Agent Ack. Pending

Fatal Calls

Total Manual Evaluations

Evaluation Score = 0

Pending Evaluations

Pending Evaluations(case)


Pending Re-Evaluations

Pending Re-Evaluations


Avg. Evaluation Score

Evaluation Score


Avg. Evaluation Time

Evaluation Time


Agent Leaderboard

Agent Leaderboard can help us to identify who are my top performing agents. We can filter out based on the Evaluation Score if we want to consider agents falling in the low score bucket.

Column Name

Metric Name

Evaluated Agent

Evaluated Agent

Evaluation Score

Evaluation Score

Case Count

Case Count

Total Manual Evaluations

Total Manual Evaluations

​Case Evaluations Summary

This is a high level summary for the audit evaluations. The Zero Scoring cases summary is made by applying a Filter of Evaluation Score = 0.

Column Name

Metric Name



Evaluated Agent

For User



Evaluation Form


Total Manual Evaluations

Checklist Response Count

Evaluation Status

Audit Status

Checklist Response Date

Checklist Response Date

Raw Extract Dump

This is the dump of all the evaluations done on the tool. Here all the case level fields along with individual parameter reporting are viewed.

Here are some standard metrics that are used.

Column Name

Metric Name




Checklist Response Date





Evaluated Agent

Evaluated Agent



Checklist Response Count

Checklist Response Count


Case Level Custom Fields

Engagement Score

Checklist Parameter “Engagement” Score

Similar to Checklist Parameter Score individual Responses can also be plotted using the metric <Checklist_Parameter_Name>.

The Zero Scoring cases Raw extract summary is made by applying a Filter of Evaluation Score = 0

Zero Call Summary

Fatal Cases at a Manager Level

This can be used to analyze the agents under which managers are performing very badly.

X-Axis = Total Manual Evaluations

Y-Axis = Evaluated Agent Manager

Just like this Fatal Cases are identified at the auditor level also.

​Zero Calls at Agent Level

To get insights on which agents are performing very badly.

Column Name

Metric Name


Evaluated Agent

Evaluated Agent


Fatal Evaluations

Total Manual Evaluations

Evaluation Score = 0

Evaluation Scores (With or Without Critical Questions)

This report provides an analysis of the average evaluation scores by auditor across all questions in a checklist. Additionally, it includes the average evaluation score of a checklist, excluding questions marked as critical.

Column Name

Metric Name

Avg. of Evaluation Score

Evaluation Score

Avg. of Evaluation Score (Without Criticality)

Evaluation Score (Without Criticality)

Low Performing Questions

This report helps to analyze which checklist parameters are the least scored by agents when audited by QM’s.

Column Name

Metric Name

Checklist Item

Checklist Item



Checklist Item Response Count

Checklist Item Response Count

Avg. Score

Item Score

Checklist Parameter Distribution

Checklist Parameters Distribution is used to show how the checklist parameters responses are split. Generally a pie chart gives the best visual representation.

Wedge/Value = Checklist Response

Value = Checklist item response Count

Filters = <Checklist _Parameter_Name

Target V/s Achievement

As a Supervisor if we want to look at how the QM’s are performing, we can use this widget through which we will be able to understand how much evaluations are auditors completing on daily, Weekly or Monthly basis.

Column Name

Metric Name


Checklist Item

Total Evaluations

Total Manual Evaluations

Pending Evaluation(Case)

Pending Evaluation(Case)

Pending Re-evaluations(Case)

Pending Re-evaluations(Case)



Agent Acknowledgement Pending

Agent Acknowledgement Pending

Like at an Auditor level we can also create at the agent level Target versus achievement.

Detailed Total Allocations

In order to see a detailed view of all the cases that are assigned to all the Quality Managers the following widget is helpful as it gives the breakdown of important case parameters.

Column Name

Metric Name



Case Creation Time

Case Creation Time

Total Manual Evaluations

Total Manual Evaluations

Evaluated Agent

Evaluated Agent



Evaluated agent Manager

Evaluated agent Manager

Evaluation Status

Evaluation Status

Case Count

Case Count

Areas of Improvement

A Quality Manager should be able to look at the different categories in which their agents are lacking. This report helps to look at the parameters where the agents are not performing well.

Column Name

Base Metric Name


For User

Checklist Parameters

Checklist Item

Evaluation score

Item Score

Acknowledgement Summary

Similar to Target versus Achievement if a QM wants to look at how many evaluations are present for agent acknowledgement and what the distributions at an agent, auditor and Manager level or even look at the count of evaluations which are getting auto acknowledged this report can help. 

Column Name

Base Metric Name

Custom Metric Definitions


For User


Team Lead

User Manager


Submitted Evaluations

Checklist Response Count


Completed Evaluations

Checklist Response Count

Metric - Checklist Response Count, with a filter of Audit Status as Completed and Re-evaluated

Ack. Pending

Checklist Response Count

Metric - Checklist Response Count, with a filter of Audit Status as Agent Acknowledgement Pending

% Ack. Pending

Checklist Response Count

% of Checklist Response Count with a filter of Audit Status as Agent Acknowledgement Pending

Ack. Expired

Checklist Response Count

Metric - Checklist Response count, with a filter of Evaluation Acknowledged By  =  Sprinklr System

Different Date Range Filters

A QM widget can work on different Date filters, but the most frequently used are listed below.

  1. Assigned for Evaluation At - This date range will filter the widgets based on when evaluations are assigned for Evaluations.

  2. Checklist Response Date - This date range will filter the widgets based on when evaluation was filled on the case.

  3. Evaluation Submitted Date - This date range will filter the widgets based on when evaluation was filled on the case. 

  4. Evaluation Completed At - This date range will filter widgets based on when evaluations got completed i.e their status became Completed or Re-evaluated.

  5. Audit Modified At - This will filter the widget based on when the audit got modified which can be through editing the audit, change of status.

Filters Used in QM Dashboard

Here are the list of standard dashboard level filters used in QM Dashboard

Metric Name


Social Network

The social network of the case


The reviewer for the users which is set at the User Level


User who audits the cases

Evaluation Form

The checklist on which the audits are done

Evaluation Status

The different status in which the evaluation can exisit

Evaluated Agent

The user against which the audits are done

Evaluated Agent Manager

Manager of the user against which the audits are done


The standard case level field where Campaigns associated with a case are stored

Evaluated Agent Reviewer

The reviewer of the users on which the audits are done


Any User Level Custom Field


Any Case level Custom Field

Note: You have the option to limit users in the filters such as Auditor, Evaluated Agent Manager, and User Manager to a specific set of users. This prevents the challenge of searching through a long list of numerous users. To implement this restriction, kindly contact Sprinklr support at tickets@sprinklr.com.