Audit Checklist/Form Scoring


Scoring happens on the checklist only when Enable Scoring is enabled at the checklist level which adds the support to associate points w.r.t to the options.​

Scoring is supported on these Item Types:

  1. Picklist

  2. Multi-Picklist

  3. Checkbox

  4. Radio Button

  5. Rating Scale

Checklist Scoring happens at three different levels to get an overall audit score.

​Item Score

Item Score is calculated as the overall points received to the maximum achievable points in the item. The maximum item score can be 100 irrespective of the individual item points.

Let's take an example of a Multi-Picklist type Checklist Item with Options 2 and 3 selected as a response

  • Option 1 → 100 points

  • Option 2 → 50 points

  • Option 3 → 0 points

Here the item score will be 33.33, which is calculate as (50+0)/(100+50+5)

Category Score

Category Score is calculated as the weighted sum of the item scores within the Category.

Lets take an example of a Category which contains 3 items. The item scores and weightages are mentioned below.

  • Item 1 → Score = 75, Weightage = 10

  • Item 2 → Score = 50, Weightage = 5

  • Item 3 → Score = 100, Weightage = 5

Here the category score will be 75, which is calculate as (75*10 + 50*5 + 100*5)/(10+5+5)

Final Audit Score

Final Template Score is the calculated as the weighted sum of the Categories Scores.

Lets take an example of a Checklist with 3 categories with Category scores and weightages as below.

  • Category 1 → Score = 85, Weightage = 10

  • Category 2 → Score = 50, Weightage = 15

  • Category 3 → Score = 100, Weightage = 5

Here the Final Audit Score will be 70, which is calculate as (85*10 + 50*5 + 100*5)/(10+15+5)


  • Maximum Score is 100 and minimum score is 0. Evaluation Scores are calculated as a % value.

  • If a question is Category Level Critical and If its score is evaluated to 0 then the entire that category’s score becomes 0.

  • If a question is Template Level Critical and If its score is evaluated to 0 then the entire audit score becomes 0.

  • If the question is marked as NA (Not Applicable) then this question is excluded from Scoring calculation entirely.