Troubleshooting and Best Practices


Following are some commonly asked questions along with their answers.

Q: What happens in reporting if a Checklist or a Checklist Parameter is deleted?

A: If a checklist or its parameters are deleted, reporting remains unaffected. Historical data still displays the checklist and its questions with dimensions "<Checklist Name> (deleted)" and "<Checklist Question> (deleted)".

Q: Is it possible to change the asset type of a parameter?

A: No, once an asset type is configured either at a checklist level or a parameter level, it cannot be changed in the existing checklist. To modify the asset type, the checklist must be cloned, and then the asset type can be adjusted accordingly.

Q: How will updating a checklist impact the existing evaluations?

A: When updating the checklist, the following sections are modified:

- Weightages: Updating weightages does not affect the scores of existing audits.

- New Options Added/Existing Options Deleted: If new options are added, no changes occur in the old audits. If options are deleted, there is no changes in evaluation cards and reporting. If some options are updated to new values, they get updated in reporting but not in the evaluation cards of the audits.

- New Categories/Items Added: Adding new categories and items does not alter the existing evaluations in both reporting and evaluation cards.