AI+ Checklist Rule Conditions and Actions


To formulate a rule for the AI+ quality & compliance parameter checklist, utilize a combination of the following conditions and corresponding actions.


  • Campaign: The associated campaign of the case.

  • Compare Case Custom Fields: Score parameters based on a comparison of values in custom fields associated with the case. Choose two similar types of custom fields for comparison. Select the appropriate operator based on the type of custom field; for instance, for a multi-select custom field, operators like "Equals," "Contains All," or "Contains Any" offer specific ways to assess and match the values associated with the case.

  • Conditions on AI Model Output: Setting conditions based on the output generated by the AI model during the analysis of the interaction.

  • Conditions on Checklist Item: Applying conditions on checklist items already present in the same checklist.

    • AI Model: Refers to the underlying artificial intelligence model used for analysis.

    • Insight Sentiment: Indicates the overall sentiment derived from the insights during interaction analysis.

    • Item Score: Represents the score assigned to a specific checklist item during the analysis.

    • Number of Insights: Specifies the total count of insights for a particular interaction.

    • Number of Negative Insights: Denotes the count of insights categorized as negative during analysis.

    • Number of Positive Insights: Denotes the count of insights categorized as positive during analysis.

  • Conditions on Custom Metrics: Apply conditions based on a custom metric value of the interaction or case. Please note that only metrics included in the Inbound Case report is available in the dropdown for selection.

  • Customer Name: Filtering cases based on the customer name. This is particularly useful for AI scoring on social channels like Twitter, YouTube, and so on.

  • Dead Air Instances: Breaks in Voice or Digital interactions greater than: Dead Air Instances refer to breaks in voice or digital interactions where neither agent nor customer messages are present for a specified time duration. Specify the time duration (in milliseconds) to check for dead air instances. The parameters for Dead Air Instances include:

    • Check messages around matching instances

      • Scroll Forward: Apply conditions on messages after each matched instance

      • Scroll Backward: Apply conditions on messages before each matched instance

    • Dead Air Instance Types: Different types of Dead Air Instances are categorized based on time differences between various message events. These include:

      • Break between 2 Agent Messages: Time difference between two consecutive agent messages.

      • Break by Customer after Agent’s Message: Time difference between a customer's message and the immediately preceding agent message.

      • Break by Agent after Customer’s Message: Time difference between an agent's message and the immediately preceding customer message.

      • Break between 2 Customer Messages: Time difference between two consecutive customer messages.

    • Deduct Score for each instance: Specify the score deduction per matched instance.

    • Negative Score Allowed: Indicate whether the score could be negative or not.

    • Total Dead Air Percentage (sum of all instances): Calculated by dividing the total dead air time (the duration of silence during interactions) by the total interaction handling time (the entire duration of interactions), providing a measure of the proportion of time spent in silence during interactions.

  • Interaction Average Response Time: Calculates the average time an agent takes to reply to the customer within an interaction.

  • Interaction CSAT Score: CSAT score of the interaction, derived from the CSAT of the last fan message in the interaction.

  • Interaction Channel Type: Channel or social network on which the interaction took place.

  • Interaction First Response Time: Computed as the time taken by the first agent message after the first customer message in an interaction.

  • Interaction Handling Time: Represents the total time from the creation to the completion of the conversation.

  • Interaction Language(s): All languages used in the interaction: Lists all languages used in the interaction.

  • Interaction Main Language: Primary language of the interaction: Indicates the primary language of the interaction. It is the language tagged to the interaction messages more than any other languages.

  • Interaction Participated Agents: Identifies agents or groups who replied within an interaction.

  • Interaction Participated Agents Count: Checks the number of agents participating in the conversation, as shown in the switcher in Conversation Timeline in Case Analytics view.

  • Interaction Sentiment: Represents the overall sentiment of the entire interaction.

  • Interaction Source: Displays the name of the account corresponding to the interaction.

  • Voice Call Conditions

    • Advisor Call Loudness: Measures the loudness level of the agent's voice during a voice call.

    • Advisor Call ROS (Return on Speech): Assesses the quality of the agent's speech during a voice call.

    • Advisor Call SNR (Signal-to-Noise Ratio): Examines the ratio of the signal (useful speech) to background noise during a voice call for the agent.

    • Advisor Talk Percentage: Indicates the percentage of time the agent spends talking during a voice call.

    • Advisor Talk Time: Represents the total time the agent spends talking during a voice call.

    • Average Hold Time: Calculates the average duration of holds during a voice call.

    • Call Direction: Identifies whether the call is incoming or outgoing.

    • Call Duration (Voicezen): Represents the overall duration of the voice call.

    • Call Loudness: Measures the average loudness level of the entire call, considering both agent and customer.

    • Call ROS (Rate of Speech): Represents the average rate of speech for the entire call, considering both agent and customer.

    • Call SNR (Signal-to-Noise Ratio): Indicates the average signal-to-noise ratio for the entire call, considering both agent and customer.

    • Caller ID: Displays the identification information of the caller.

    • Conditions on Custom Metrics: Apply conditions based on a custom metric value of the voice interaction or case. Please note that only metrics included in the Voice report will be available in the dropdown for selection.

    • Customer Call Loudness: Represents the average loudness level of the customer's voice during the call.

    • Customer Call ROS (Rate of Speech): Indicates the average rate of speech for the customer during the call.

    • Customer Call SNR (Signal-to-Noise Ratio): Represents the average signal-to-noise ratio for the customer during the call.

    • Customer Talk Percentage: Indicates the percentage of the total talk time in the call contributed by the customer.

    • Customer Talk Time: Represents the total amount of time the customer spent talking during the call.

    • Dead Air Percentage: Indicates the percentage of the total call duration with no communication (dead air).

    • Dead Air Time: Represents the total duration of dead air (no communication) during the call.

    • Disconnection Reason: Provides information on the reason for the call disconnection.

    • First Hold Duration: Represents the duration of the first hold during the call.

    • Hold Count: Indicates the total number of holds that occurred during the call.

    • Hold Instances: Checks whether the interaction contains instances of being on hold.

    • Hold Time: Represents the duration of a hold instance within the interaction.

    • Interruption Instances: Overlapping talk by Agent and Customer: Identifies instances where both the agent and customer talk simultaneously, causing an overlap.

    • Is Scheduled Callback: Indicates whether a callback was scheduled during the interaction.

    • Last Hold Duration: Denotes the duration of the last hold instance in the interaction.

    • Longest Hold Duration: Represents the maximum duration among all hold instances in the interaction.

    • Shortest Hold Duration: Represents the minimum duration among all hold instances in the interaction.

    • Talk Time: Signifies the total time during which either the customer or agent was actively talking in the interaction.

    • Total Call Duration: Indicates the overall time duration of the entire call.

    • Total Hold Time: Denotes the cumulative time spent on hold during the interaction.

    • Transfer Count: Specifies the total number of times the call was transferred.

  • Interaction contains message(s) matching the below conditions

    • Absolute Time Range (Evaluated before other conditions): Checks messages based on an specific time range within the interaction. This time range can include standard interaction level time markers like Case Assignment time, Case Un-assignment Time, First Call Transfer Time, or a specified date and time present in a date-type custom field.

      Within Absolute Time Range, you can choose between two options:

      From: Considers all messages in an interaction after the selected time from the dropdown.

      Upto: Considers all messages in an interaction before the selected time from the dropdown.

      The default order of messages is ascending.

    • Account: Associated account of the message.

    • Apply further conditions based on the message(s) matched above

      • Scroll Backward (Exclusive): Examine conditions solely on messages before each matched message, excluding the message(s) matched above

      • Scroll Forward (Inclusive): Examine conditions on messages after each matched message, including the message(s) matched above

      • Scroll Forward (Exclusive): Examine conditions solely on messages after each matched message, excluding the message(s) matched above

      • Scroll Through Matched Messages: Examine conditions on the message(s) matched above only

      • Scroll Backward (Inclusive): Examine conditions on messages before each matched message, including the message(s) matched above

    • Channel Type: Refers to the channel or social network on which the message was received.

    • Conditions on Checklist Item: Conditions on checklist items already present in the same checklist.

      • AI Model: Refers to the underlying artificial intelligence model used for analysis.

      • Insight Type: Specifies the type of insight generated during the analysis.

    • Detected Intent: Represents the intent detected on that message.

    • Keyword List: Refers to the presence of keywords in the messages.

      • Show as Insight with Sentiment: Additionally, include this condition to visually highlight keywords in the AI Score Breakdown widget. Positive keywords will be in green, neutral in yellow, and negative in red.

    • Loudness: Represents the loudness of the message.

    • Max Characters (Evaluated before other conditions): Specifies the maximum number of characters to be considered before applying other conditions.

    • Max Messages (Evaluated before other conditions): Specifies the maximum number of messages to be considered before applying other conditions.

    • Max Words (Evaluated before other conditions): Specifies the maximum number of words to be considered before applying other conditions.

    • Message Author Type: Classifies the message based on the author type:

      • Customer Message

      • Bot/Auto-Reply

      • Agent Message

      • Brand Message

    • Message Category: Represents the category of the message.

    • Message Language: Identifies the language of the message.

    • Message Type: Identifies the type of the message based on the interaction type from which it originates, for example, Sprinklr Voice Transcript or Sprinklr Voice Bot Transcript.

    • Messages Order (Evaluated before other conditions): Specifies the order in which messages are considered:

      • Ascending: Scroll from Top to Bottom

      • Descending: Scroll from Bottom to Top

    • Rate of speech: Refers to the speed of speech in the message.

    • Relative Time Range in seconds (Evaluated before other conditions): Defines a specific time range for evaluation.

    • Sentiment: Represents the sentiment of the message.

    • Signal-To-Noise Ratio: Reflects the ratio of useful information to irrelevant or unnecessary information.

    • Text Query: Represents a query or keyword associated with the message.

      • Show as Insight with Sentiment: Additionally, include this condition to visually highlight keywords in the AI Score Breakdown widget. Positive keywords are in green, neutral in yellow, and negative in red.

    • Partner Custom Property: Considers any custom properties associated with a message.

  • Case Properties: Evaluates properties associated with the case.


  • Hit Sprinklr AI Model: Utilizes Sprinklr's AI capabilities to analyze and generate insights on interactions at the message level.

    • Scoring Function: Refers to predefined methods used to calculate scores based on the AI model's insights.

      • Adjust score per instance

        • For each negative Insight: Adjust score By: Note that the value should be negative, denoted with a minus sign (-)

        • For each positive Insight: Adjust score By

        • Initial Score

        • Maximum Score

        • Minimum Score

        • Negative Score Allowed

      • Score 100 if last detected insight is positive, otherwise 0

      • Score 0 if at least one negative insight is detected, otherwise 100

      • Score 100 if at least one positive insight is detected, otherwise 0

      • Basis number of mistakes

        • Deduct Score By

      • Basis mistakes to words ratio by error category: Final Score = 100 - (number of mistakes/total number of words in the case) * 10 * <deduction_value>

        • Error Category

        • Negative Score Allowed

      • Basis mistakes to words ratio: Final Score = 100 - (number of mistakes/total number of words in the case) * 10 * <deduction_value>

        • For every mistake per 10 words, deduct score by

      • Basis number of mistakes by error category

        • Error Category

        • Negative Score Allowed

      • Score 0 if last detected insight is negative, otherwise 100

      • Score 0 if majority of the detected insights are negative, otherwise 0

      • Score 100 if majority of the detected insights are positive, otherwise 0

      • Score 0 if first detected insight is negative, otherwise 100

      • Score 100 if first detected insight is positive, otherwise 0

    • Send message(s) returned/matched by the below conditions to the AI model: Specifies that only messages satisfying certain conditions are sent to the AI model for prediction.

  • Linear Scoring based on Interaction Field: Assign scoring parameters that are based on the linearization of any case-level fields. This enhancement enables scoring based on specific metric values, allowing for a more precise and tailored evaluation process.

    With this feature, you can create various scoring buckets and define different ranges for scoring based on the parameters selected. For example, if a case-level field indicates response time, you can establish a scoring system where faster response times receive higher scores, while longer response times receive lower scores.

  • Quality Score: Sets the quality score within the range of 0-100 based on specific requirements.

  • Set Quality Score based on messages returned/matched by the below condition(s): Establishes conditions to determine the quality score.

    • Scoring Function: These conditions help in dynamically determining the quality score based on the nature and sentiment of the detected insights in the messages.

      • Score 100 if last detected insight is positive, otherwise 0

      • Score 0 if at least one negative insight is detected, otherwise 100

      • Score 100 if at least one positive insight is detected, otherwise 0

      • Score 0 if last detected insight is negative, otherwise 100

      • Score 0 if majority of the detected insights are negative, otherwise 0

      • Adjust score per instance

        • For each matched message : Adjust Score By

        • For each negative Insight: Adjust score By: Note that the value should be negative, denoted with a minus sign (-)

        • For each positive Insight: Adjust score By

        • Initial Score

        • Maximum Score

        • Minimum Score

        • Negative Score Allowed

      • Score 100 if majority of the detected insights are positive, otherwise 0

      • Score 0 if first detected insight is negative, otherwise 100

      • Score 100 if first detected insight is positive, otherwise 0