Advanced Use Cases of ATA Calibrations


ATA Calibration Review Before Agent Acknowledgment

In situations where cases require ATA calibration by supervisors before agent acknowledgment, employ a snooze interval (For example, five days). Auditors are required to submit their evaluations using the 'Submit Later' button during this period.

Subsequently, utilizing a Case Update rule, pending cases awaiting agent acknowledgment are filtered and sent for ATA calibration evaluations. During the snooze period, auditors can revisit and adjust their scores based on calibrations before the cases proceed to agent acknowledgment.

Case Assignment for ATA Calibration Based on Auditor

Assign Auditor ID to Custom Field:

Create a Case Update rule to copy the Auditor ID from quality evaluations into a designated number case custom field.

Fetch Copy Auditor Details to Case Custom Fields:

Create another Case Update rule to fetch auditor details like name and manager using the above case custom field where the auditor ID is stored, and copy them into the desired case custom fields.

Assign Cases for ATA Calibration Based on Auditors:

Finally allocate cases for ATA calibration by leveraging auditor information as the basis for assignment. This is achieved through the Send for sampling action within a Case Update rule.

ATA Calibration Completion Notification for Auditors

Add the Notify Users action within a Case Update rule to notify auditors once ATA calibrations are completed. This notification prompts auditors to review the scores and initiate any necessary follow-up actions.