Audit Cases


The Audit feature is a powerful tool for monitoring ongoing and past conversations while accessing the Debug Log. It offers insights into how well the Twin manages interactions, facilitating analysis of response accuracy, language understanding, and error handling. By reviewing conversations and analyzing the Debug Log, you can identify areas for improvement and optimize the conversational AI system for enhanced user experience.

To Audit Cases

  1. On your Digital Twin window, click View Audit within Audit on the right.

  2. From the top left corner, you can switch between the Inbox and Outbox views. Conversations that are currently being handled by the Digital Twin will be displayed in the Inbox. On the other hand, conversations that have been routed to other Digital Twins or agents will be shown in the Outbox. This feature allows users to easily navigate between different conversation streams and monitor the interactions.

  3. On the left side, you'll find the case stream, displaying a list of cases. Corresponding case conversations are shown on the extreme right pane, providing details and context for each case. In the middle pane, you'll have access to the Debug Log. Within the Debug Log, administrators can review all tasks performed by the Twin. Clicking "View Node" on the right allows navigation to the corresponding task window, facilitating detailed examination and troubleshooting.

    If the Twin encounters an issue and gets stuck, the corresponding task will be highlighted in red, indicating the need for attention and troubleshooting.