Actions with auto boost


 The Auto Boost Rule actions support both dimensions and metrics to cater to different use cases for different kinds of users.

Steps To configure Auto Boost rules

  1. Click the New Tab icon. Under the Sprinklr Social tab, click Manage Rules.

  2. In the top-right corner of the Rule Engine window, click Create New Rule.

  3. On the New Rule window, enter a Name and Description for your rule. 

  4. Select Customer from the Rule Scope drop-down menu and Auto Boost from the Context drop-down menu.

  5. Enter the other details as required and click Next in the bottom-right corner.

  6. On the Rule Builder window, click the icon and set the Conditions and Actions for configuring Auto Boost Rules. For more information, see Auto Boost Rule Conditions — Descriptions and Auto Boost Rule Actions — Descriptions.


    If you miss a mandatory rule action for your Auto Boost Rule, the rule won't run, but you will not receive an error message either.

  7. Click Save in the bottom right corner to finalize the creation of your new Rule, or Save as Draft to create a draft version of your Rule.

Auto Boost rule actions — descriptions


Enter a name for the Action.

Create ad

Set the action based on the following properties to create an ad:

  • Ad Account for Ad

    • Create Ad with Existing Paid Initiative and Ad Set

      • Paid Initiative

      • Ad Set

      • Naming Convention

      • Ad Duration Live (In Days)

      • Web Analytics Profile Id (will be applied as URL tags for FB Posts)

      • Instagram Ad Call to Action (Select Objective - applicable for Instagram Post only)

      • Instagram Ad Call to Action URL (Applicable for Instagram Post only)

      • Tracking Pixel

      • Instagram Handle

      • Twitter Placements

    • Create Ad with Existing Paid Initiative and New Ad Set

      • Paid Initiative

        • Ad Objective (LinkedIn Business Account)

      • Target Audience

      • Ad Set Duration (in days)

      • Lifetime Budget (Ad Set)

      • More Actions

        • Bid Amount (Ad Set)

        • Optimization Goal (Select Objective - applicable for Facebook only)

        • Charge By (Select Optimization Goal for values)

        • Facebook Ad URL Tags

        • Naming Convention

        • Approval Path

        • Approval User

        • Set Ad Set Custom Property

        • Web Analytics Profile Id (will be applied as URL tags for FB Posts)

        • Instagram Ad Call to Action (Select Objective - applicable for Instagram Post only)

        • Instagram Ad Call to Action URL (Applicable for Instagram Post only)

        • Tracking Pixel

        • Instagram Handle

        • Facebook Platform Positions

    • Create Ad with New Paid Initiative

      • Ad Objective

      • Target Audience

      • Ad Set Duration (in days)

      • Lifetime Budget (Ad Set)

      • More Actions

        • Budget Source

        • Strategy Group

        • Bid Amount (Ad Set)

        • Optimization Goal (Select Objective - applicable for Facebook only)

        • Charge By (Select Optimization Goal for values)

        • Facebook Ad URL Tags

        • Naming Convention

        • Approval Path

        • Approval User

        • Set Paid Initiative Custom Property

        • Set Ad Set Custom Property

        • Web Analytics Profile Id (will be applied as URL tags for FB Posts)

        • Instagram Ad Call to Action (Select Objective - applicable for Instagram Post only)

        • Instagram Ad Call to Action URL (Applicable for Instagram Post only)

        • Tracking Pixel

        • Instagram Handle

        • Facebook Platform Positions

        • Twitter Placement

        • Set Special Ad Category. Choose from Housing, Credit, Employment, and Issues Election Politics


For the Strategy Group action in your Auto Boost rule, you will not be able to select Strategy Groups having Pacing Control and Budget Source optimizations together.

Send Notification
Set the action based on the following notification attributes for the Auto Boost Rules:
  • Send Email Notification
    • Email Subject

Control Outbound Custom Properties

Select from the list of outbound custom properties.

Control Ad Variant Custom Properties

Select from the list of ad variant custom properties.

Control Mapping of Entities

Use the "Set if absent" operator for the following actions:

  • Map Ad Account Custom Field Values to Paid Initiative

  • Map Paid Initiative Custom Field Values to Ad Set

  • Map Ad Set Custom Field Values to Ad Variant

  • Map Post Custom Field Values to Ad Variant

  • Map Ad Variant Custom Field Values to Post

  • Map Media Asset Custom Field Values to Ad Variant

Channels and objectives supported

​Supported channels and ad objectives to Auto Boost posts:

  • Facebook and Instagram - Page Post Engagement, Traffic, Video Views, Reach, Awareness (New Objective), Traffic (New Objective), Engagement (New Objective), Leads (New Objective), App Promotion (New Objective), and Sales (New Objective)

  • Twitter - Video Views, Website Traffic, App Re-engagements, Engagements

  • Pinterest - Consideration

  • LinkedIn - Website Visit, Brand Awareness, Engagement

  • TikTok - Video Views, Reach, Community Interactions, Website Traffic