Conditions applicable with boost posts using Rule Engine


The Auto Boost Rule conditions support both dimensions and metrics to cater to different use cases for different kinds of users.

Steps To configure Auto Boost rules

  1. Click the New Tab icon. Under the Sprinklr Social tab, click Rule Engine.

  2. In the top-right corner of the Rule Engine window, click Create New Rule.

  3. On the New Rule window, enter a Name and Description for your rule. 

  4. Select Customer from the Rule Scope drop-down menu and Auto Boost from the Context drop-down menu.

  5. Enter the other details as required and click Next in the bottom-right corner.

  6. On the Rule Builder window, click the icon and set the Conditions and Actions for configuring Auto Boost Rules. For more information, see Auto Boost Rule Conditions — Descriptions and Auto Boost Rule Actions — Descriptions.


    If you miss a mandatory rule action for your Auto Boost Rule, the rule won't run, but you will not receive an error message either.

  7. Click Save in the bottom right corner to finalize the creation of your new Rule, or Save as Draft to create a draft version of your Rule.

Auto Boost rule conditions — descriptions


Enter a name for the Condition.

Control properties of Post

Set the condition based on the following properties of a post:

  • Account

  • Published Date

  • Sprinklr Campaign

  • Text

  • Comment Count

  • Likes

  • Reach

  • Facebook Paid Reach

  • Facebook Organic Reach

  • Shares

  • Facebook Engagement Rate

  • Instagram Engagement Rate

  • LinkedIn Engagement Rate

  • Twitter Engagement Rate

  • Instagram Video Views

  • Facebook Video Views

  • Facebook Viral Impressions

  • Instagram Engagements

  • Instagram Impressions

  • Filter out dark posts

  • Filter out already boosted posts

  • Duration Live

  • Post Type

    • Facebook Video Post

    • Facebook Link Post

    • Facebook Carousel Post

    • Instagram Image Post

    • Instagram Video Post

    • Instagram Carousel Post

    • Twitter Image Tweet

    • Twitter Video Tweet

    • Twitter Status Tweet

    • Pinterest Pin

    • Pinterest Video

    • Pinterest Carousel

    • LinkedIn Link Post

    • LinkedIn Image Post

    • LinkedIn Video Post

    • LinkedIn Carousel Post

Outbound Custom Metrics of Post

Set the condition based on the list of outbound custom metrics of the post.

Weather Properties of the City being Targeted

Set the condition based on the following weather properties:

  • City

  • Max Temperature(C)

  • Min Temperature(C)

  • Snowfall(in cm)

  • Max Humidity(%)

  • Min Humidity(%)

  • Precipitation(in mm)

To learn more on Weather Properties, see Use Weather Conditions in Paid and Auto Boost Rules.

Count of Comments on the Post

  • Count of Positive Comments

  • Count of Neutral Comments

  • Count of Negative Comments

​Channels and objectives supported

​Supported channels and ad objectives to Auto Boost posts:

  • Facebook and Instagram - Page Post Engagement, Traffic, Video Views, Reach, Awareness (New Objective), Traffic (New Objective), Engagement (New Objective), Leads (New Objective), App Promotion (New Objective), and Sales (New Objective)

  • Twitter - Video Views, Website Traffic, App Re-engagements, Engagements

  • Pinterest - Consideration

  • LinkedIn - Website Visit, Brand Awareness, Engagement

  • TikTok - Video Views, Reach, Community Interactions, Website Traffic