Autowrap in After Call Work (ACW)


The autowrap feature in After Call Work (ACW) is designed to boost the productivity of call center agents by automating the after-call work process. This functionality allows the predefined auto-wrap values of fields to be automatically applied in case an agent fails to submit the ACW manually, ensuring a seamless and efficient workflow.

Role of Autowrap

After Call Work (ACW) is a critical phase in the call center workflow, involving tasks that agents perform after concluding customer interactions, typically phone calls. Its purpose is to ensure thorough completion, documentation, and preparation for the next interaction.

In some instances, agents may struggle to complete ACW within the allocated time, leading to pending ACW. Often, agents may not return to fill in the ACW, causing disruptions in post-business workflows and reporting.

Enabling autowrap-up for ACW addresses this challenge by allowing the configuration of values to be applied when agents fail to submit ACW within the specified autowrap time (configurable). These predefined values contribute to seamless reporting and workflow management, facilitating efficient post-call activities.

To Enable Autowrap Up

  1. When setting up or editing the After Case Work (ACW), navigate to the Auto Wrap Up section and enable the toggle for Enable Auto Wrap Up for ACW.

  2. Enter the designated Auto Wrap Up Time, which can also be configured to match the ACW Timeout. Please ensure that the Auto Wrap Up Timeout is equal to or greater than the ACW Timeout duration.

  3. Next, proceed to the ACW builder and either add a new Screen node or edit an existing one.

  4. Within the screen configuration, you'll find various fields where autowrap values can be added. The supported field types for autowrap values include:

    Radio Group

    Checkbox Group

    Text Input

    Number Input


    Email Input


    Text Area

    Password Input

    Custom Field


    Pick List (Note: It must be a picklist value)


    Date Time

  5. After configuring the screen with autowrap values, the ACW builder provides two distinct paths. The autowrap path facilitates the creation of workflows that leverage the values stored through the autowrap feature.


    - The workflows must be configured on both paths for the autowrap feature to function correctly.

    - Additionally, if a field is marked as mandatory in the screen node, an autowrap value must be defined for it when autowrap is enabled in ACW settings. Autowrap values can be provided for non-mandatory fields, too.

    - If a date & time or date field is mandatory but left unfilled, it will automatically be populated with the autowrap date and time value.

    - If a field is non-mandatory and the autowrap value is not provided, the system will simply ignore it and continue with the autowrap process.