Actions with Autofill rules


Create Autofill Rules to pre-populate content in the publisher window based on the set conditions and is best used to apply properties as soon as a user opts to create a message. 

Autofill rules are applied to outbound messages, but unlike Outbound Rules which apply when a message is sent for publishing, Autofill rules are applied when a message is being composed. Autofill rules reduce the manual effort of applying properties in the publisher window individually, saving time and streamlining publishing workflows. To view the list of Rules, see Types of Rules.


Auto update Campaign standard fields across the platform such as Name, Start and End Date, etc. This ensures uniformity of campaign details across the platform saving time during campaign planning while eliminating manual efforts.

Autofill Rule Actions — Descriptions

Change Properties of Message 

Set the action based on the following Message attributes:

  • Append Email Content - Refers to adding email content to the message.

  • Attach Asset To Response - Refers to attaching assets to the response. Click Choose Template to open the media selector.

  • Autofill Custom Properties From Campaign - Refers to pre-populating the custom properties from the associated campaign.

  • Confidential Message - Refers to making a post confidential for selected users/user groups.

  • Campaign - Refers to the Campaign to be associated with the Message.

  • From Account - Refers to selecting the specific social network account the message is being published from.

  • Suggest Response - Refers to a response suggested with the message. Click Choose Template to select the suggested response(s).

  • Tag - Refers to the descriptive terms to be associated with the message that has been created within Custom Fields as message tags.

  • URL Shortener - Refers to the URL Shortener that has been set up and linked.  

  • Partner Custom Property - Refers to the Partner Level Message Custom Fields.

  • Client Custom Property - Refers to the Client Level Message Custom Fields.

  • Autofill Date Fields - Refers to pre-populating the date fields from the associated campaign. 

  • Set Naming Convention - Refers to the naming convention for the message. You can also set the character limit.

Control the Visibility of Post 

Set the action based on the following attributes associated with the visibility of the Post:

  • Set Approval Path - Refers to selecting an approval path for your post before it is published.

  • Stop - Refers to ceasing the post from being published.

Add Account to Outbound Message in Copy/Action

You can utilize the custom fields on the account level and have them copied to any outbound post as per requirement.