Autofill Rules - Conditions and Actions


The following conditions are available to for users to select while creating a Autofill Rule for messages / posts.

Autofill Rule Conditions — Descriptions



The Channel Properties of the Message

Set the condition based on the following Channel properties:

  • Account

  • Account Owner User ID

  • Account Type

  • Channel

  • Channel Metadata

  • Message Type

The Properties of the Outbound Message

Set the condition based on the following Outbound message properties:

  • Campaign 

  • Compare Dates

  • Geo. Target Country

  • Has Associated Post Asset

  • In Reply To Assignee

  • Is Branded Content

  • Is Forwarded Case

  • Media Title

  • Select Date Field to Compare

  • Tag

  • Text

  • Title

  • Custom Properties

  • Source Locale

  • Message Keywords

  • Persona

  • Themes

  • Customer Journey Stages

  • Is Variant 

  • Partner Custom Property (Outbound Message Custom Fields)

The Properties of Campaign

Set the condition based on the following Campaign properties:

  • Archived

  • Status

  • Select Date Fields to Compare

  • User Visibility

  • Workspace

  • Workspace Visibility

  • Campaign Partner Custom Property (Campaign Custom Fields)

The Properties of Sub-Campaign

Set the condition based on the following Sub-Campaign properties:

  • Archived

  • Status

  • Parent Campaign

  • Select Date Fields to Compare

  • User Visibility

  • Workspace

  • Workspace Visibility

  • Sub-Campaign Partner Custom Property (Sub-Campaign Custom Fields) 

The Profile of the Message Author


Set the condition based on the following Outbound Message properties:

  • Author Name

  • Users

  • Author Partner Custom Property (User Custom Fields)

To Compare properties of two assets

Set the condition based on the values of the selected two assets.

  • First Asset: Request, Campaign, Sub-Campaign, Account

  • Second Asset: Request, Campaign, Sub-Campaign, Account

To Parent Message of the Variant

This condition refers to the parent message of the variant:

  • Account

  • Account Type

  • Channel

  • Scheduled Time

  • Status

  • Template

  • Partner Custom Properties (Outbound Message Custom Fields)

The following actions are available to for users to select while creating a Autofill Rule for messages / posts-

Autofill Rule Actions — Descriptions



Change Properties of Message 

Set the action based on the following Message attributes:

  • Account

  • Append Content to Subject

  • Append Email Content

  • Append Forwarded Case Email

  • Attach Asset To Response

  • Autofill Custom Properties From Campaign

  • Autofill Date

  • Campaign 

  • From Account

  • Highlight Search terms

  • Inherit Date Custom Field Value

  • Rejix list ot Mask

  • Replace Subject

  • Confidential Message

  • Set channel metadata

  • Set naming convention

  • Suggest Response

  • Tag

  • Users to notify

  • Append Email reply Trail

  • Confidential Message

  • Create Signal

  • Email Reply on specific message

  • Customer Journey Stage

  • Persona

  • Sub-Campaign

  • Theme

Control the Visibility of Post 

Set the action based on the following attributes associated with the visibility of the Post:

  • Stop

Add Account to Outbound Message in Copy/Action

You can utilize the custom fields on the account level and have them copied to any outbound post as per requirement. 

  • Sources:Campaign, Sub-Campaign, Request, Account

  • Destinations: Message