Assignment Activity


Complete audit logs for a case are accessible within the Activity tab in the third pane, providing full visibility of all assignment activities.

Each assignment will be displayed as a separate "Card" in the case activity, with the macro or rule that triggered the assignment prominently highlighted at the top of the card.

The following fields are exposed on the card:

  • Assigned for Evaluation At: Displays the timestamp of when the evaluation assignment was made.

  • Assigned for Evaluation By: Shows the macro or rule through which the assignment was made. If the assignment was automated, it displays "Moderation User" or "Sprinklr System."

  • Assigned Auditor: Indicates the auditor to whom the assignment was made. In manual QM, this is the user who performed the evaluation. In AI-driven QM, it displays "Sprinklr System."

  • Evaluation Type: For default evaluations, this field is not displayed. For calibration evaluations, the type is exposed in the case activity.

This enhancement ensures clear visibility of assignment activities and helps to track the evaluation process in detail.

Assignment of ATA Calibration

Assignment of P2P Calibration