Task Assignment



Tasks can be assigned to individual Users or User Groups giving them responsibility and ownership for that particular Task. Task assignments are done through the Assignee field which is one of the 6 standard fields included during Project setup. The Assignee field cannot be deleted but it can be hidden from view. It can be accessed in Task Sheet view or through the Task Overlay.

Task Assignees will receive notifications and automated alerts regarding their Tasks making it easier to track their workflows.

Assign a Task in Task Overlay

1. In any view, hover over the Task and go to Options > View Details to open the Task Overlay.


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2. Under Task Properties click Show All Fields to reveal all fields.

3. Click Select Assignee next to the Assignee field. You will get a dropdown listing all Users and Teams.


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4. From this dropdown, you can select a User or a Team (User Group) to assign the Task to. You can scroll the list or use the local search bar.

5. To unassign a Task, click the assignee's name in the Assignee field and from the dropdown, select Unassign.


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Assign a Task in Task Sheet View

1. In Task Sheet View, click the cell corresponding to the Assignee field of the Task you want to assign.


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2. Use the dropdown to select the User or Team you want to assign the Task to.


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3. To unassign the Task, click the cell again and from the dropdown, select Unassign


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