Defining Skills and Proficiency levels


Skills refer to any specific abilitiy or area of expertise that is characteristic to a group of agents. For example, in a laptop manufacturing company, a group a customer support agents may have the expertise in dealing with Battery related queries while the other group may have that in Software related queries. These skills can be created in Unified Routing manually and can be assigned to agents based on their knowledge, training, or experience in handling certain types of cases.

Examples of Skills can be -

Language as a Skill - Agents with proficiency in German language can be assigned "German" as a skill. The case, which has a customer query in Hindi languages is tagged with "Hindi" skill, and will be routed to these agents.

Issue type as a Skill - Agents who have expertise in dealing with warranty related cases can be assigned "Warranty" as a skill. Similarly, agents who have expertise in dealing with return queries can be assigend "Order Return" as a skill. This is normally derived by asking customers their problem category using a chatbot or IVR. It can also be detected using AI based intent detection and tagged to a Case.

Skill Categories

Unified routing allows users to create skill categories in which multpiple skills can be clubbed together. This helps in better management of different types of skills and ensuring that skill is assigned to the right agent.

In the picture above, there are two Skill categories : Billing Issues and Complaint Issues. Under this we have created the relevant skills like Invoice Issues and Quality Complaints respectively. Categorising the skills prevents confusion when choosing the right skill to be assigned to an agent. In the upcoming sections, we will look at how skills are used in routing cases to appropriate agents.

Skill Proficiency

Unified Routing offers the capabiltiy to define the proficiency (expertise) of an agent in a particular skill. By this, supervisors can ensure cases are asisgned to all types of agents having different levels of experience. For example, in an organization, customer queries that require general details about the company's products can be routed to an agent having good communication skills, whereas for complaint/quality issues related queries, the case should be routed to an agent having more technical expertise in the product.

Assigning Skills and Proficiency to Agents

1. Navigate to Agents Tab in Unified Routing. Here you can switch the list of Agents to User Groups.

2. For assigning skills to the Agent/Agent Group, click on three dots beside the agent name and click Edit. In this, you can add a new skill by clicking on Add New Skill to All Agents.

3. Select the Skill Category, Skill and Skill Proficiency to be assigned to the Agent / Agent Group. You can add mutiple skills by clicking on the "+" icon on the right of skill proficiency field.