Receive Email Addresses for BazaarVoice Reviews, Questions and More


In this article, we will cover the details around how you can fetch email addresses for Reviews, Questions and Answers on BazaarVoice into Sprinklr.

This feature will be available with 19.8 release.

Before You Begin

BazaarVoice sends email addresses in an encrypted format via the API. To decrypt the email addresses, you need to get the Email Shared Secret Key. Please reach out to your BazaarVoice representative to get this key.

Once you get this key from BazaarVoice, please reach out to your Success Manager to activate this feature in Sprinklr.

Steps to Add 'Email Shared Secret Key' in Sprinklr

Once you have received the key and the feature is enabled in Sprinklr, add the key at the account level in Sprinklr.

Note: Each account will have a key of its own.

  1. Click the New Tab icon Space Add New Tab Icon. Under the Sprinklr Social tab, click Owned Social Accounts within Listen.

  2. On the Accounts (Settings) window, click Add Account in the top right corner. 

  3. On the Add Account window, search and select Bazaarvoice from the list of channels.

  4. On the Add Bazaarvoice Account window, enter the Email Shared Secret Key for your account. Do not make any other changes unless required.​

  5. Click Add in the bottom right corner to add the account details. Next, you'll be able to edit your account details and permission the account.

  6. On the Update Account window, click Save in the bottom right corner.

Disable Reply Option after the First Reply

With the help of this feature, you can grey out the reply button for a user, once they have sent the first reply to the customer. The replying option after a single reply is enabled when the user receives a new message from the customer. A disclaimer in a text box will be shown when the first reply is sent.

Note: This capability needs specific setup. Get in touch with your Success Manager to get this feature enabled.