How can agents bid for their preferred shift?


Sprinklr's WFM empowers the agents to voice their schedules as much as possible which leads to increased job satisfaction,
reduced stress and  better overall wellbeing.

Once a supervisor has created a shift bid, the agent will receive notificatin in real-time when the bidding goes live to submit their preferred shift preferences. Once the bid is finalised by the supervisor, these shifts will be allocated to the agents based on the ranking criterias that could include metrics like agent experience, AHT, etc. defined by the supervisor while creating the shift.

It can thus be inferred that employees who perform better at their job will be directly translating into receiving greater agent score which would thus result into securing the best chance to receiving your preferred working schedule.

Placing a shift bid preference on the sprinklr WFM dashboard is super easy, an agent would be following the below listed steps:

Step 1: The agent can navigate to the My Schedule Module in the workforce planner persona and click on “Place Bids” icon on the top right side of the page when the agent has received the notification for the bidding to have gone live.

Step 2: Agents would be able to view the various Shift Patterns as created by the supervisor in this pop-up.

Agents can drag and drop the shift patterns using the 6-dot icon beside the S. No. of the shift pattern to define their Preference order as per choice.

Step 3: Agents can click on “Save as Draft” button to save their changes. They can revisit later in the active bidding period to amend their changes. This will mark the Agent’s Status in Progress in supervisor view.

Agents can click on “Submit” button to submit their Bid Preferences once they are satisfied.
They won’t be allowed to make any amendments after submission. This will mark the Agent’s status as Completed in supervisor view.

Once Agent has submitted the bid preference, they receive a notification of successful submission, and the “Place Bids” icon will now be disabled.

After the shift bid is finalised from the supervisor side, the agents will receive their schedule as per the above described metrics for the shifts that they had submitted their preferences for.