How can supervisor finalise a bid and generate schedule?


Once a supervisor has created a shift bid for the agent to submit their shift preferences, the agents use this feature to submit their preferred shift hierarchy. After carefully re-viewing the shift bid patterns and confirming the submission for shift bids across each agent, the supervisor moves ahead to finalise the bid to create a schedule.

Read more about how a supervisor view shift bidding summary and agent preferences here:

The supervisor after being satisfied with the submission of shift bids by all agents can finalise the generated shift bid to create the schedule that would be auto-synced into the shifts of all agent's schedule. This allotting of the preference of the shift takes into all the agent criterias defined by the supervisor at the time of shift bid creation like the agent AHT, seniority, experience at handling cases etc along with the scheduling constrainsts fed into the AI scheduling module.

The supervisors can follow the below steps to finalise a shift bid and create a schedule:

Step 1: Navigate to the Agent Preference Page by clicking on the view button next to the respective shift bid name on the Shift bidding module. Once all agents have submitted their bid preferences and the agent status is completed or if the Bidding Period has ended, then thesupervisors can click on the “Finalize” button on top right side of the agent preference landing page.

Step 2: Clicking on the “Finalize” button triggers a Schedule in the Scheduling Module in processing state with the same name as that of the Shift Bidding appended with “-Schedule” in the name itself.

Step 3: Once the Processing is complete, the Schedule enters the draft state and can be viewed under normal circumstances.

Once this schedule is approved by the necessary stake holders and is released, it will auto-reflect across all the agents in their schedule page.