How can supervisors view agent preferences and summary of submitted bids?


Once the agents have submitted their bid preferences in Sprinklr's WFM dashboard on the Agent's Schedule page, the supervisors can see their pattern preferences on the supervisor dashboard.

The supervisor can re-view the shift bid that they had earlier created for the agents to use while bidding and also view the agent preferences once they are submitted.

To view the shift bid and agent preferences once the bid is sent to the agent for bidding, the supervisor can follow the below given steps:

Step 1: Navigate to Shift Bidding page from workforce planner person on the Sprinklr service dashboard.

Step 2: Click on “View Bid” button beside the name of the shift bid that the supervisor wishes to view.

Step 3: The Supervisor gets redirected to the Agent Preference Page wwhich is divided into two sections:

The first is the Summary section, The Shift Patterns here give overall insights to the number of agents that prefer that particular shift. The list of all the patterns against the number of preference by each agent for that shift is visible at a glance to the supervisor.

The second section is of the Agent Preferences,

The supervisor is able to view the bidding patterns across each agent that was a part of the bidding process by clicking the inverted triangle button next to each agent. This gives an idea of the preferences of shift pattern across each individual agent.

The supervisor is also able to see the bid submission status, and the Agent score ( amalgamation of all the agent ranking criterias) for each agent.

Once all the agents have submitted their shifts, the supervisor can finalise the bid to sync the distributed schedules to each agent.