Hyperdrive - Deploying Blueprints


This knowledge base article explains Hyperdrive, a tool used for deploying Blueprints in the Sprinklr platform. It outlines the purpose of Hyperdrive, its advantages, and its role in pushing best-practice configurations to client environments. 

What is Hyperdrive? 

Hyperdrive is a deployment tool that allows the latest best-practice configurations from the Blueprint environment to be pushed to client destination environments. The Blueprint environment, managed by the Product Team, serves as the original source of configuration best practices. 

Advantages of Hyperdrive 

Hyperdrive offers several advantages in the Blueprint deployment process: 

  • Efficiency and Simplicity: Hyperdrive deploys best-practice configurations as bundles of multiple objects, eliminating the need for manual imports. This reduces implementation hours and minimizes troubleshooting efforts. 

  • Rollback Capability: In case of configuration mistakes, Hyperdrive allows for the "rollback" of deployed best practices. This means partners can revert to the original configuration, avoiding potential issues caused by misconfigurations. 

  • Reduced Configuration Period: By leveraging Hyperdrive, the configuration period for new environments can be significantly reduced from days to hours. This enables faster onboarding and implementation processes. 

Important Considerations 

It's important to note the following considerations when using Hyperdrive and deploying Blueprints: 

  • Blueprint Evolution: Blueprints evolve over time to accommodate new use cases, product releases, and platform updates. This means that each customer's Blueprint may differ, requiring additional manual configuration. 

  • Blueprint Formats: Blueprints can be deployed through both Configurator and Hyperdrive. Configurator uses Excel-formatted Blueprints, while Hyperdrive allows for direct platform-to-platform Blueprint deployment.

  • Deployment Destination: Blueprints should be deployed into the DEV version of a customer’s environment, customized, then moved to Staging for testing the updated workflow, all before going live in the Production version of the environment. This will minimize disruptions and ensure a smooth transition to an updated configuration.

  • Internal Only: Due to the power of Hyperdrive, only carefully trained Sprinklr consultants are allowed to access and use it. 

Hyperdrive is a powerful tool for deploying Blueprints in the Sprinklr platform, offering efficiency, simplicity, and the ability to revert configurations if needed. It reduces implementation time, accelerates onboarding, and ensures consistent best-practice configurations. Understanding Blueprint evolution and the different deployment formats is crucial for successful utilization of Hyperdrive.