Seamlessly Connect Your Conversational AI App to Channels



Once your Conversational AI app is set up, the next step is testing it to evaluate user experience and flow accuracy. To connect your app with a channel, there are two methods. The first method scales using bot rules via the Rule Engine. In this article, we'll focus on the simpler second method.

Before You Start

Note: To enable this node in the Conversations, please contact and provide the Partner Name ID and Name. If you are unsure of your Partner ID and Name, please contact your Success Manager for help.

Note: We advise using this feature primarily for demonstrations. For actual implementation, we recommend utilizing bot rule setup for the same purpose.

To Connect Your Conversational AI to a Channel

  1. In Conversational AI app, access 'Miscellaneous Settings' in Advanced Options.

  2. Select Trigger Application without Rule Setup

  3. Select the channel account you want to connect your application with.

  4. Click Save, and your application will be connected to your account. To test the setup, you can use Application Testing.


We currently support Sprinklr Live Chat as OOTB, for other channels please reach out to