Add Call


Add call is used for conference calls meaning there will be the customer, the primary agent who received the customer call and a secondary agent to whom the primary agent added to the call. All the three parties will be participating in the call. This feature is generally used for seeking consultation and assistance from the secondary agent and in most of the situations the secondary agent is either the manager or the supervisor of the primary agent.

Business use case

  1. Seeking consultation and assistance - There are situations in a call in which the primary agent needs some help from their colleagues or from their supervisor to resolve the customer query. In such circumstances, add call feature can be used.

  2. Gather information about the previous call from the agent who attended the call - In complex situations, to better understand the customer query before hopping in to deliver the resolution, the agent in the call might add the other agent who attended the customer in the previous call.

Agent can add another agent to the call in two ways -

  1. Queue based - Adding an agent from a pool of agents. The most available agent in the queue would be receiving the added call.

  2. Agent based - It requires the selection of a particular agent the primary agent is intending to add.

    When conferencing a call with a Microsoft Teams user, you will be able to see the MS Teams status of the user. Additionally, you can filter users based on location, including city, country, and state, making it easier to find the right contact.

  3. Sprinklr also has the capability to add an IVR to the call which is called IVR conferencing. When an agent does an IVR conference call with the customer, the agent can guide the customer through the journey in the IVR about what the IVR is asking and what to enter as a response. The agents can also add a note, allowing the next agent to get a quick glimpse of the customer's last interaction.

  4. External: You can add an external user to a conference call.

    While addinf, tou also have the option to select a different dialer profile. Please note that this feature is supported only if the call is being made from an Ozonetel provider. Additionally, the valid Location SIP Context must be set in the corresponding voice application to make this functionality work effectively. The Location SIP Context serves as a unique identifier for the destination you intend to add in the call.

    Enablement note:

    To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.


Sprinklr voice > Call controls > Add agent to call, Add agent from queue to call, IVR Conference

How to do add call

  1. Click on add call button in the call controls bar

  2. Select queue or Agent or IVR as per the need from the first dropdown option.

  3. If selected, then select the required queue in the second dropdown menu.

  4. If selected, then select the Agent from the drop down menu.

  5. If selected IVR, then select the IVR from the drop down menu.

After selection click on the add call button at the bottom part of the window.