Customizing Call Controls Action Configuration
Agents have a different UI as compared to Admin view, in Sprinklr we set up this view from Persona App Manager, and we can create as many personas as we require. In Persona App Manager, we can set the visibility conditions/ change the configuration for the agents with ease.
Business Use Case
There might be case that a certain group of agents will have different call controls settings from other group, and we can manage this within the persona app manager
To give a personalized touch, agent view and call controls actions performed by agents under that particular persona can be customized
Setting up the agent visibility during transfer/conference can be done in few easy steps-
1. While on the Sprinklr landing page, search “All Settings”
2. On the left side of screen, select “Manage Customer”, and select “Persona App Manager”
3. Here you will see all the personas that are available/created for the client.
4. Select the persona for the agent, and select the Settings icon on top
5. Here you will see “Voice Call”, under this section can choose the visibility condition
6. Under this section, you'll see various options to enable/configure for agent, select the required action and proceed
Sprinklr gives the flexibility to the admin to grant the permission/visibility based upon their business use cases, and by assigning the persona this can be done with ease.