Voice Debug Console


What is Voice Debug Console 

Voice Debug Console offers comprehensive insights into every aspect of incoming voice calls on Sprinklr. It provides detailed analyses, ranging from call quality assessments to identifying reasons for disconnections. Voice Debug Console simplifies the debugging process for voice calls from an administrator's perspective, streamlining troubleshooting and ensuring optimal call performance on UI upfront. 

How to use Debug Console 

Once you login to Sprinklr home page, Voice Debug Console will be present upfront under the various personas. 


On clicking Voice Debug Console, the user will see 4 tabs on the left side of the screen: 

1. Reporting Tab  

2. Conversation Analysis  

3. User Session Analysis 

4. Partner Level Configurations 


1. Reporting Tab 

A standard reporting dashboard will be setup to look at a detailed analysis of all calls in the partner. To monitor and identify issues, we can refer to the reporting tab. User can drill down the metrics on various categories such as conversation IDs etc.  

2. Conversation Analysis 

To Analyze a conversation, we would require the conversation ID of the particular call, this can be fetched from reporting or directly from the care console of the particular case. 

There are 6 widgets in Conversation Analysis tab  

Call Metrics  


Participant Overview  


Ladder Diagram  

Conversation ladder diagram is used to show sequence of events for a conversation. This widget shows conversation events, user session events from conversation start to end time and backend events for the conversation participant from conversation start to end time. 


Conversation Trend  

The conversation trend is plotted across the call time with following metrics:

  • Jitter - Jitter is average packet-to-packet delay time (This is measured in ms)  

The permissible Values of Jitter:

0 to 30ms--> excellent call quality 

31 to 99 -->good call quality   

100 to 149-->moderate call quality   

150-->poor call quality 

  • Round Trip Time (RTT) - It represents the time it takes for a data packet to travel from the source to the destination and back to the source and measured in milliseconds.

The permissible values of Round trip time : 

<100ms- Excellent Call quality

100-150ms- Good Call Quality

150ms-200ms – Average Call Quality   

>200ms- Bad Call Quality   

  • Packet Loss(%) - When one or more packets of data fail to reach their destination. (This is measured both in % as well as # of packets). This metric gives the percentage of packet loss 

The Permissible values for Packet Loss : 

<1-->Excellent Call Quality   

<1 to 2.9-->good call quality   

3 to 5-->moderate call quality   

>5-->poor call quality 


  • Packet Loss(#) - This highlights the # instead of %


IP Addresses  

IP Address of all the Local and Remote Candidates is shown in this widget. This widget is useful to identify if the location of the agent from the remote server is too far away. Sometimes issues like call lag/high call connection times in such cases can be resolved out with this widget. 

Logs Widget 

All the events logged for this call are shown in this widget. The logs can be filtered with 4 filters: 

  • Source  

  • Message:  

  • Type  

  • Tags  


3. User Session Analysis 

There are two widgets in User session analysis in user session analysis  

  • Ladder diagram  

  • User Logs

NOTE: The past 30 days user logs will be stored. User logs can only be seen for 24 hours at one time 


4. Partner Level Configurations 

In this tab, all the partner properties such as partner Name, Partner ID, Telephony provider etc. will be highlighted in this tab. 


Enablement of Voice Debug Console 

For enabling voice debug console, we would need to enable the following DPs: 



  • ENABLE_WEBRTC_STATS: There are two DPs through which we can get the Call quality metrics like Jitter, RTT, Packet Loss. Only enable this DP if client is facing audio issues. This DP should not be enabled by default:

a. If we enable the DP: ENABLE_WEBRTC_STATS, the call quality metrics will come from Sprinklr own in house software which gives these metrics  

b. If we enable the DP: ENABLE_WATCH_RTC, the call quality metrics will come from WatchRTC. 

c. If both the DPs are enabled, WatchRTC will be given more priority, hence the metrics will come from WatchRTC. 



  • Setup standard Voice Reporting DB: To setup standard reporting dashboard that will available in voice debug console persona app, please contact the respective team.

NOTE: In this sample curl, just environment and partner Id needs to be changed. 111000 is the partnerId in above example