How to use Callback Manager?


Callback Manager enables Supervisors to view the summary of scheduled callbacks.

Navigate to Callback Manager

Click Callbacks on the left pane of the Supervisor Console to view the list of Scheduled Callbacks.

Components of Callback Manager

The default dashboard that the supervisor can view has the following components:



Case Number

The supervisor can see the case number on which the callback is scheduled.

Campaign Name

It specifies the campaign name under which a call was first made to the customer.

CallBack Assigned To

This shows to whom the callback is assigned. The callback can be assigned to the agent or to the work queue. Based on the selection, the agent name or the queue name will be displayed.

Previous Connect Time

This will show when the call was connected the last time. The date and the time, both are shown in this column.

Callback Time

This will show when the callback is scheduled. The date and time both are shown in this column.

Customer Phone Number

It shows the phone number of a customer on which the callback is scheduled.

State of Callback

The supervisor can see the state of callbacks such as :

  • Scheduled

  • In Progress

  • Completed

  • Canceled

  • No show

  • New

Agent Experience

As the callback time approaches, a logged in agent will recieve popup on his/her screen which displays the information of the assigned call.

Callback Actions


The supervisor can assign the callback to an agent or queue or to self also. The calendar will also be available to the Supervisor from where they can select the date and time of the callback.


This option can be used to cancel the Scheduled Callback.

Initiate Guided Workflow

Initiate the intended Guided Workflow for scheduled callbacks, such as sending an SMS with the original and updated time, when the callback is rescheduled to a new time. To embed the desired guided workflow, please raise a supoort ticket at