Overview to Callback Manager


Callback Manager enables supervisors to view the summary of callbacks scheduled by their agents. A supervisor views the agent's name, assigned callback's status, and callback time on the table. Supervisor also cancels or reschedules the callback as per the requirement. 

How can Supervisors Benefit from Callback Manager ?

  1. Improve your contact centre wait time

    By scheduling callbacks, you reduce the wait time of your contact centre where less number of customers will be put on hold. This helps in hours of call volume spikes and better calll centre management.

  2. Increase customer retention

    A customer waiting on hold may get frustrated and may hang up call with high dissatisfaction. With callback service, agents contact customers according to their convenience. This provides better care to customer which leads to retention.

  3. Enhance productivity of your team

    When the Supervisor checks on the status of the callbacks, it increases the team's performance by following up with pending/cancelled callbacks.