Create a Campaign for Distributed Users


Campaigns are used in Sprinklr as primary tags to categorize outbound messages for Reporting. Campaigns can align with your traditional marketing or PR campaigns and can be customized to give you the outbound categories you need for Reporting. Create new campaigns by selecting Campaigns under Sprinklr Service or Sprinklr Marketing to make them available when you create and publish outbound content.

When you have distributed users to use the Sprinklr platform, your responsibility is to: 

  1. Create a Campaign


  1. Add Assets to the Campaign 


In addition to creating a campaign and adding assets to it, it is necessary for you to schedule the assets.  

You can add only Post type assets to the campaign, when they are meant to be subscribed by the distributed users.


  • You can navigate between Campaign, Sub-Campaign, and Editorial Timeline view without switching the tabs using the navigation breadcrumbs in the Editorial Calendar.

  • The campaign timeline/calendar opens in its last visited view i.e. year, quarter, month, week, etc.

  • You can move from sub-campaign to campaign, sub-campaign to the editorial calendar, or campaign to the editorial calendar.

  • By default, it will open in the Editorial Calendar tab of the respective campaign or sub-campaign. However, you can switch between tabs on the Campaign and Sub-Campaign windows.

To Create a Campaign

While adding a Campaign within Sprinklr, you can Subscribe Users/User Groups to the particular campaign. The subscribed users/user groups will get In-Platform and Email notifications when they are subscribed to a campaign. However, the distributed users also have the capability to opt out, i.e., to unsubscribe from the campaigns at any point.

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

  1. Click the New Tab icon Screen Shot 2017-09-25 at 1.52.25 PM.png. Under the Sprinklr Marketing tab, click Campaigns within Plan.

  1. Click the New Tab icon Screen Shot 2017-09-25 at 1.52.25 PM.png. Under the Sprinklr Social tab, click Campaigns.

  2. In the top right corner of the Campaigns window, click Add Campaign.
    Selecting Add Campaign from the Campaign Tab

  3. On the Add Campaign window, fill in the required details. For more information, see Add Campaign — Field Descriptions.

  4. Click Save.Adding a Campaign

  5. After creating a new Campaign, you will be taken to the Campaign Overview Tab. You can learn more about Campaign tabs in Campaign Details.


For User-Level Campaign Sharing, edit an existing campaign you wish to share and remove workspace details. 

Add Campaign — Field Descriptions

Campaign Name

Enter a name for the Campaign. 


Enter a description of the Campaign.

Start Date

Select the start date of the Campaign.


You can customize the start and end date labels while creating a campaign. 

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

End Date
Select the end date of the Campaign.

If your Campaign will be available indefinitely with no required end date, select the Evergreen Campaign checkbox above the end date field.
Evergreen Campaign

Select the checkbox if your Campaign is always on and does not require an end date.

Select the status of the Campaign.

A Campaign in a draft state can be edited, but no messages can be created for the Campaign.


A Campaign in an approved state can be edited and messages can be created for the Campaign.


Associate tags with your Campaign. 

Select the visibility of your Campaign.

Selecting Visible in all Workspaces will allow visibility for users across all Workspaces within your Customer. Selecting Workspaces will allow visibility for all users within the specified Workspace(s). Selecting Users/User Groups will allow visibility for only the specified user(s) and/or user group(s) if applicable. 

Note that it will not be set as your current Workspace by default now. 

To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.


Is Campaign Confidential?
Check the box if your Campaign has sensitive information or contains nonpublic information that will only be shared across specific users/user groups.

If a user doesn't have access to a confidential Campaign, they will not be able to see any content related to that Campaign within the Global Editorial Calendar, Production Dashboard, Reporting, etc.

Custom Properties
Fill out any custom property information. Learn how to create a custom field for a Campaign, go here.

Brief Template
Select a Brief Template for the Campaign. A Campaign brief gives the agency or internal creative team enough information so that they can develop a Campaign concept.

To Add Assets to the Campaign 

Now that you have created a campaign, you now have to add assets to the campaign and schedule them. To learn how to add assets to a campaign, see: Add Assets to  Campaign.