Home Page


Home Page provides a thorough overview to the agent of his overall performance metrics and the daily tasks that are assigned to him. This helps agents to monitor their daily activity from a single place. In this article we will learn about distinctive features which are included in the home page.  




Overall Performance Metrics Widget 

In this, agents can view how they are performing against different KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) like Average Handle Time, Time in Logi Status, etc. The metrics shown here can be personalized based on the brand’s requirements.  



Cases Assigned to Me  

Here, an agent can see all the cases that currently open and assigned to him/her. By clicking on the card, the cases details can be opened instantly. 



Profile Box 

This shows the current status of the agent and the time since which the agent is in that status. The agent can switch between different statuses based on his/her availability. 




To Do Widget 

Agents can keep track of their day-to-day tasks by adding the task description, priority and due date. They can mention the customer case relevant to the task. On clicking the checkbox, the Two Do can be cleared.  




My Schedule Widget 

The callbacks/follow ups scheduled with the customers populate under this widget. The agent can take the action directly by clicking on the card. 




Recommended Articles 

Here, an agent can be provided with help articles that can be used while addressing a customer’s query or to increase the agent knowledge.