About the AI+ Carousel Ad Copy Generator



In the realm of advertising and content creation, the ability to tell a captivating story can set your brand apart. Enter our feature: "Carousel Linked Stories with Custom Prompts" within the Ads Composer and Ads Creative Library. Designed for creative creators and content writers, this tool redefines the art of visual storytelling. With the power to connect the dots across multiple cards, you can now craft immersive narratives that resonate with your audience. Whether it's a product showcase, an educational journey, or an event promotion, this feature enables you to guide your audience through a compelling story, swipe by swipe. Elevate your ad campaigns to new heights, where each card is a chapter in your brand's captivating narrative. 
Impact & Business Value 

The feature described, "Generate Carousel Linked Stories with Custom Prompts," within the Ads Composer and Ads Creative Library, offers several valuable business insights, addresses important use cases, and comes with specific limitations:  

1. Storytelling through Visuals

Use Case: Advertisers and content creators can use this feature to craft compelling narratives by connecting multiple images or cards within a carousel ad format. 

Business Insight: Storytelling is a powerful marketing tool, and this feature allows brands to convey a cohesive message or narrative that captivates their audience. 


2. Engagement and User Experience

Use Case: Carousel ads, with linked stories, encourage users to interact with the content by swiping through the cards, resulting in higher engagement rates. 

Business Insight: Increased engagement often translates into better conversion rates and a more positive user experience, enhancing brand perception. 


3. Product Showcase: 

Use Case: E-commerce businesses can effectively showcase multiple products or product features within a single ad by using custom prompts for each card. 

Business Insight: Highlighting various product offerings or benefits in a carousel format can drive sales and increase product visibility. 


4. Educational Content: 

Use Case: Brands can use linked carousel stories to provide step-by-step guides, tutorials, or educational content in a visually engaging manner. 

Business Insight: Educational content fosters customer loyalty and positions the brand as an authority in its niche. 


5. Sequential Messaging: 

Use Case: Marketers can use this feature to guide users through a storytelling journey, gradually revealing information or building anticipation. 

Business Insight: Sequential messaging can be particularly effective for product launches, event promotions, or brand storytelling. 


Some Prominent Areas of Usage of Carousels 


1. Fashion Retailer Lookbook: 

A fashion retailer can create a carousel ad that tells a story about a new clothing collection by using custom prompts for each card to describe the styles, fabrics, and accessories. 


2. Travel Destination Exploration: 

A travel agency can use a carousel ad to take potential travelers on a virtual journey, using each card to showcase different aspects of a travel destination, from landmarks to local cuisine. 


3. Recipe Tutorial: 

A food brand can utilize a carousel ad to provide a step-by-step recipe tutorial, with each card presenting a different cooking stage or ingredient. 


4. Event Promotion: 

An event organizer can create a carousel ad that builds anticipation for an upcoming event by using custom prompts to reveal details about performers, venues, and activities over multiple cards. 



Creative Library/ Ads Composer 

1. From the launch pad, click on Creative Library or Ads Composer under Sprinklr Marketing – Advertising

2. In the upper right corner, click on “+Create Asset”, and select “Ad Creative” from the drop-down menu when in Ads Creative Library. When in Ads Composer, select your desired Ad account and go to Creatives section and click on "+Add New Creative" to open the creative builder screen.


3. Fill in the required details such as Channel, Objective, Ad account, Post Type. Select Post Type as Carousel

4. You will be able to spot the Sprinklr AI+ button in the top right corner of the Carousel Card. 


5. Follow the Instructional Prompts, to generate content for your carousel Cards. 

Note: Addition of Carousel cards follows bulk add, which is, Max. of 9 creative cards (Max. 10 cards including profile card) is allowed, so if a user let’s say has created 4 cards already and they provide a prompt to generate content for 10 cards, even if they sequentially select all the prompts only content for 5 cards shall be inserted and rest will be scrapped. 

6. Sequentially select the content you want to insert. The content shall be entered from the card currently selected on the user’s screen and necessary additional cards shall be created. 


7. Click on “Insert”, to enter your generated content in the respective Carousel fields.  

Note: Rewording of content is currently not supported. If you try to overwrite your content by creating new content and clicking on "Insert" it will simply create new cards for your new content and push back the already created cards. You will need to delete the cards for such cases if you don't wish to use the content.

Note: "Insert" button for Carousel acts as addition of content into the fields, it won't append content as in the case of Non-carousel posts discussed earlier.


Limitations & Best Practices 


1. Content Consistency: 

Ensuring that the story flows seamlessly across multiple cards and maintains brand consistency can be challenging and requires careful planning and editing. 


2. Visual Cohesion: 

Achieving visual cohesion between cards in a carousel can be demanding, especially when working with different images or designs. 


3. Storytelling Complexity: 

Crafting a compelling narrative that effectively utilizes all cards in a carousel requires creative expertise and storytelling skills. 


4. Ad Format Constraints: 

Some advertising platforms have limitations on the number of cards in a carousel, and exceeding these limits may affect ad delivery or user experience. 


Key Takeaways 

In summary, the "Carousel Content Generation" feature empowers creative creators and content writers to convey engaging narratives through carousel ads, leveraging the power of visual storytelling. While it offers numerous advantages in terms of user engagement and conveying complex messages, it also presents challenges in terms of content consistency and storytelling complexity that should be carefully considered during ad creation.