Feedback on AI Scoring in AI Insights


You can provide feedback on AI scoring to enhance the system's accuracy. This includes the ability to input the expected score for each parameter, report any incorrect evidence detected by the AI, and highlight any missing evidence that should have been identified. Your feedback is invaluable for training the AI, helping it deliver more precise results and ensuring continuous learning and improvement based on real user insights. This collaborative approach allows for a more refined scoring process that better reflects actual performance.

Providing Feedback on AI Scoring

To improve the accuracy of AI scoring, follow these steps to provide detailed feedback:

  1. Select the thumbs down icon if you find the AI score to be inaccurate to initiate the feedback process.

  2. Choose a reason for your feedback:

    1. Incorrect Score: For incorrect scores, indicate that the score assigned by the AI is incorrect and enter the correct score you believe should be assigned.

    2. Incorrect Evidences: Review the list of evidences provided by the AI and select all that are incorrect.

    3. Missing Evidences: Identify and select all evidences that the AI missed but needs to be included.

    4. Once the evidences are selected, you have the option to edit them to ensure they accurately reflect the conversation or case details.

  3. Provide any additional comments that can help clarify your feedback. This could include contextual information or specific details about why the AI's scoring was inaccurate.

  4. Click the Send Feedback button to submit your feedback. This feedback is used to train and improve the AI, leading to more accurate scoring in the future.

Behavior on Re-running the Audit

If Re-run on the Same Checklist:

  • Both scores and insights are compared at the parameter level.

  • If the parameter score and the insights are the same, the feedback is retained.

  • If the parameter score or any of the insights differ, the feedback is deleted for that parameter.

  • The check on insights are at the individual insight level, not just the count of insights.

  • Scores alone won't be the criteria for retaining feedback since users can provide feedback through insights only.

If the Parameter is Deleted from the Checklist Builder:

  • Feedback are deleted for the deleted parameter.

If Re-run on a Different Checklist:

  • All feedback records are deleted.