Old Third Pane


Third pane in Sprinklr is a key tool for social media managers, providing them with the information and insights they need to engage effectively with customers on social media and other communication channels.

  • Provides additional context: The third pane provides additional context and information about the social media post or message that is currently selected in the main pane on the left. This can help social media managers understand the customer's issue or feedback more completely, and respond to it more effectively.

  • Saves time: By providing a centralized location for important customer information, the third pane can save time for social media managers. Instead of having to search for information in multiple locations, they can access all relevant information in one place.

  • Improves customer satisfaction: The third pane can help social media managers respond to customer inquiries or issues more quickly and effectively, which can improve overall customer satisfaction.

  • Enables better decision-making: The third pane's sentiment analysis and other features can provide insights into customer sentiment, preferences, and opinions. This can help social media managers make better-informed decisions about how to respond to customer feedback and improve the customer experience.

Old Case Third Pane is the legacy version preceding the New Case third pane which has been designed with a much more refined and simple UI experience.
When you open a case in the third pane, the information will be displayed in various tabs. Below, we will take a look at each tab and the information you will find within.

  • Case, Profile, Smart Assist, and Historical Cases Tab - Switch between the Profile, Smart Assist, and Historical Cases Tab.

  • Quick Actions :
    • Macro - Apply Case level macros
    • Assign - Take Assign actions on a case
    • Reply - Open the Reply box for replying to the case
    • Options -Take various actions such as archive, forward the given message as Email, prioritize the case, subscribe to the message, set reminders, choose the sentiment (positive, negative, and neutral), update tags of the message to search for it via the filter in the conversation widget, edit the case, delete, and preview the message workflow on a given Rule.

  • Associated Fan Message : View the latest associated fan message.

  • Case Details :
    Overview- View and edit case properties.
    Associated messages - Associated messages
    Notes - View and add notes specific to the case. The text entered will be retained on the case/tab switch.
    Activity -View the activity audit for the given case. You will also see the error messages/reasons for the messages that were not published for any reason such as Invalid/Expired Token, Permissions error, etc.

  • Options Icon : You can take various actions on the Case such as:
    • Activity - Apply Case level macros
    • Root Cause Analysis - Take Assign actions on a case
    • Smart Summary- Open the Reply box for replying to the case
    • Survey Results
    • Tasks