Sina Weibo Capabilities and Limitations (Distributed User)


Sina Weibo is one of the most popular social media platforms in China. With its broad reach, extensive user base, and diversity of conversation, Weibo offers a unique opportunity for brands to engage at the forefront of trends. 

This article covers the capabilities and limitations of Sina Weibo.


  • API Limitation - Not supported in Sprinklr because channel doesn't allow so via their API.
  • Restricted - Allowed by channel for specific use cases, industries, clients, etc.

Sina Weibo Capabilities

Functionality Sprinklr Supported API Limitations / Restricted
Manage Profiles Yes  
Publish Text Yes  
Publish Articles No  
Insert Photo to a Post Yes  
Insert Video to a Post Yes  
Like Post No Restricted
Repost Yes  

Reply via Direct Message When Consumer Mentions Your Brand

Monitor Replies Yes  
Monitor Mentions Yes  
Monitor Repost Yes  
Monitor Comments Yes  
Edit a Published Post No  
Inbound Volume  Yes  
Outbound Engagement Yes  

Sina Weibo Limitations

  • Cannot use YouTube assets as YouTube is not allowed in China.
  • Due to restrictions in how Weibo allows Enterprises to utilize third-party platforms like Sprinklr to manage their social activity, there are some aspects of Weibo integration that are the responsibility of the Enterprise to address. This includes but is not limited to applying for Corporate-Level status.

Sina Weibo Listening Limitations

  • Only OR & AND conditions are allowed.
  • Maximum of 20 keywords can be used per topic.
  • Each keyword cannot have more than 24 characters.
  • Numeric keywords are not allowed.
  • Backfill support is not present for Sina Weibo as a listening source.
  • NEAR and Proximity operators are not allowed.
  • Advanced version of the query builder is not available.
  • Usage of keyword lists within the query is not allowed.
  • Maximum number of Sina Weibo keywords configured for per environment, across all topics, is limited to 200.