Coaching Functionalities


Schedule a Coaching Session

Schedule coaching sessions allow Quality Managers to schedule a coaching session in the future. All the scheduled coaching sessions appear on the Quality Manager’s home page created the session, in the Agent Analytics page and Case Analytics View.

On clicking the “Schedule Session” button in the coaching widget, a quick window opens, that enables the Quality Managers to schedule a new coaching session. The session duration must not exceed 6 hours.

Following are the fields that are to be filled for scheduling a coaching session –    

Field Name 


Session Title*  

Add a title for the coaching session.


Select the agent name from the dropdown for whom the coaching session needs to be scheduled.

Coaching Time* 

Choose a coaching session date and time.


Add location details such as meeting link. 

Coaching Areas* 

Quality score skills appears in the dropdown. 

Reference Cases 

Most recent cases evaluated for the selected agent appears in the dropdown.  

Coaching Agenda 

Mention coaching agenda and add attachments for reference.

*mandatory fields  

Clicking the “Start” button in the quick window schedules a coaching session and the agent is notified. 

Schedule an Instant Coaching Session

Instant Coaching session allows Quality Managers to schedule a session instantly.

On clicking “Instant Session” button in the coaching widget, a quick window opens where Quality Managers fills all the fields that are similar to scheduling a session, except for no time and date fields are required to fill. 

Clicking on “Start” button in this window opens a new live session window and the agent is notified.  

Suggest a Coaching Session

Supervisors can suggest agents and cases for coaching sessions, ensuring targeted training. Coaches review these nominations and schedule sessions based on the supervisor’s suggestions. This feature enhances collaboration between supervisors and coaches, leading to more effective and personalized agent development.

Log a Coaching Session

Log Coaching session allows Quality Managers to log a coaching session retrospectively. On clicking “Log Session” button, a quick window opens where Quality Managers and all the fields that are similar to scheduling a session. Only date and time in the past is selected. In addition to this, Coaching Notes is also provided under log coaching session.

Clicking on “Complete” button in this window logs the coaching session in the system and the agent is notified. 

What is Coaching Session Card?

The coaching session card provides quick information on the session that includes scheduled time and date, location, agent name and coaching areas. Following are the actions available on the session card based on coaching status: 

View Coaching Session – A third pane opens, where all the details on individual coaching session are available. 

Edit Coaching Session – This action opens a quick window with all the fields editable. Updating the session notifies the agent.

Cancel Coaching Session – This action asks the Quality Manager for confirmation on canceling the session. Clicking the “Cancel” button cancels the coaching session and the agent is notified.

Mark As Complete – This action opens the quick window with all the session details and coaching notes area, to mark the session as complete. Agent is notified after a coaching session is marked as complete. 

View All the Coaching Sessions

On clicking “Show All” in the coaching widget, a third pane opens, where the Quality Managers view all the coaching session based on the session state.

Following filters are available in the coaching third pane: 

Filter Name 

Available in Home Page Third Pane 

Available in Agent Analytics Third Pane 

Available in Case Analytics View 













Live Coaching Session

A quick coaching window opens by clicking “Start” on a scheduled coaching session card. All the details of the session along with the coaching notes and timer appears in the live coaching session window. Quality Managers can simultaneously re-direct to the Case Analytics View or Agent Analytics View by clicking on case and participant name respectively, while conducting a coaching session.  

1:Many Support

Coaches can assign coaching sessions to multiple trainees simultaneously, significantly streamlining the coaching process. In addition to individual trainees, they also have the flexibility to add auditors and user groups as trainees.

Once a coaching session is scheduled, all the selected trainees receive a platform notification.

Sorting Options for Coaching Sessions

Users have the ability to sort their coaching sessions by various time-related criteria. They can sort sessions based on:

Scheduled Start Time: The time the coaching session is set to begin.

Session Scheduled At: The date and time when the session was initially scheduled.

Session Modified Time: The most recent time the session details were modified.

Scheduled End Time: The time the coaching session is set to conclude.

This sorting functionality allows users to easily manage and prioritize their coaching sessions, ensuring they can efficiently track and organize sessions according to their needs.

Support for Mentioning

You should be able to mention your trainees in both the “Agenda” and “Coaching Notes” fields. When coaching notes are submitted, the mentioned trainee receives a notification stating, “<Coach_name> mentioned you in a coaching session.” If any modifications are made, all mentioned users in the “Agenda” receive a notification after each change. Clicking the notification opens the third pane of the relevant coaching session. Please note that self-mentioning is not supported.

While creating a live session or scheduling a session, in the “Agenda” field, when you mention someone, the names of all users appear in the dropdown. If a user who is not yet selected as a trainee is mentioned, that user automatically be added to the trainee field.

For a live and scheduled session, in the “Coaching Notes” field, only the names of participants appear in the dropdown for mentioning.

For log sessions, the behavior is the same for both the “Agenda” and “Notes” fields. When mentioning someone, the names of all users appear in the dropdown. If a user who is not yet selected as a trainee is mentioned, that user is added to the trainee field.