Suggest Coaching Sessions



Supervisors can recommend agents and specific cases for coaching sessions based on factors like poor performance or specific areas where improvement is needed. These recommendations are then reviewed by coaches, who can schedule these sessions tailored to the agent's needs. This feature fosters better collaboration between supervisors and coaches, ensuring that training is targeted, effective, and aligned with the agent's development goals.

Governance: Permission-Based Access to Coaching Session Suggestions

  • View Suggestions: Users without this permission are not able to see the suggested sessions section in coaching widgets.

  • Create Suggestions: Users without this permission are not able to suggest coaching sessions.

How Supervisors Can Suggest Coaching Sessions

Supervisors can suggest a coaching session from three locations:

  1. Homepage:

    • From their homepage, supervisors can suggest a coaching session directly from the Coaching widget. By clicking "Suggest Session" at the top, the suggestion form opens.

  2. Agent Analytics View:

    • Supervisors can also suggest a coaching session from the Agent Analytics page. The same "Suggest Session" CTA appears on the coaching widget, and upon clicking it, the form opens with the agent's name prefilled as the trainee.

  3. Case Analytics View:

    • Similarly, from the Case Analytics page, supervisors suggest a coaching session. The "Suggest Session" CTA on the coaching widget opens the form with all participating agents (both Agents and Auditors) prefilled as trainees, and the relevant case is prefilled.

When the suggestion form opens, supervisors need to complete the following fields:

  • Title: Free text field (Mandatory).

  • Coach: Single select list (Mandatory).

  • Trainees: Multiple select list (Mandatory).

  • Coaching Areas: Single select list (Mandatory).

  • Expiry Time: Date-time field (Mandatory) – Defaults to 3 months from the current date and expires after that.

  • Reference Cases: Optional field.

Upon submission, a coaching session is created. A card for the suggested session appears in the Supervisor's homepage, where they view, edit, or delete the session.

How Coaches Take Action on Suggested Coaching Sessions

The suggested session appears in the "Suggested Coaching Session" section on the Coach's QM homepage, as well as on the selected trainees' Agent Analytics page and the selected cases' Case Analytics page. When the Coach clicks "Schedule" on the widget, the same form opens with all fields pre-filled based on the Supervisor's selections. Coaches have the option to schedule the session as is or decline the suggestion. If declining, a modal appears where the Coach can provide a reason for the decline.

Notifications for Suggested Coaching Sessions

This table summarizes the notification messages for suggested coaching sessions, detailing updates on suggestions, cancellations, expirations, and scheduling for both coaches and supervisors.

Notification Type

Session Suggested

<Suggested By> suggested a coaching session.

Session Canceled by Supervisor

Suggested Coaching Session has been canceled.

Session Expired

Coaching Session has been canceled because the suggested coaching session was not scheduled and has expired.


Session Canceled by Coach

Coaching Session has been canceled as <Coach> has declined the suggested session because of <Cancelation_Reason>.

Session Canceled by Trainee

Coaching Session has been canceled as <Trainee> has declined the suggested session because of <Cancelation_Reason>.

Session Expired

Coaching Session has been canceled because the suggested coaching session was not scheduled and has expired.

Session Scheduled

<Coach_Name> has scheduled a session based on your suggestion.

Notes on Coaching Session Management

  1. Session Cancellation:

    • A suggested session is canceled under the following circumstances:

      • The Supervisor deletes the suggested coaching session.

      • The Coach declines the suggested coaching session.

      • The expiry date passes, if defined.

    • However, if the Supervisor who suggested the session is deleted while the session is still in the "suggested" state, the session is not canceled.

  2. Visibility of Suggested Sessions:

    • Supervisors can check if a coaching session has been assigned to an agent or a case from the Agent or Case Analytics view.

    • In the Agent Analytics view, a supervisor can only see the session if the agent is selected as a trainee.

    • For agents, any session, that was suggested but canceled before the coach scheduled it, is not visible in the agents' visibility pane.

  3. Error Messages:

    • Supervisor as Trainee or Coach: The Supervisor cannot be selected as either a coach or a trainee.

    • Same User/User Group as Both Trainee and Coach: The same user or user group cannot be selected as both a coach and a trainee.

    • Supervisor as the Only Coach: If the Supervisor selects a user group with only one person (themselves) as the coach, the system does not allow it.

    • Supervisor as the Only Trainee: If the Supervisor selects a user group with only one person (themselves) as the trainee, the system does not allow it.

    • Coach Selecting the Supervisor as Coach or Trainee: The supervisor is not selected as a coach or trainee by the coach.