Reporting on Co-browsing


The metrics/dimensions that are available for reporting on co-browsing as well as some sample widgets are as follows:


Metric/Dimension Name


Co-Browse Count 

The total number of co-browse sessions

Co-Browse Duration

The total duration of the co-browse session

Co-Browse Mode

The mode of the co-browse session whether it was Annotate or Remote Control.

Co-Browse Mode Duration

The duration of Annotate and Remote Control modes

Co-Browse Mode End Time

The time when one particular mode ended for a co-browse session

Co-Browse Status 

The status of the co-browsing whether it was completed, canceled, expired, etc

Co-Browse Page URL

The URL of the page where co-browse session was conducted

Co-Browse Page Title

The title of the page where co-browse session was conducted

Co-Browse Session ID

The ID of the co-browsing session

Concurrent Co-browse sessions

Maximum number of simultaneous co-browse sessions happened wiithing a partner

Total Co-browse Remote Control Rejects

The number of times users rejected the agent's request to take control

Note: You can get in touch with Sprinklr support at to capture and create a comprehensive summary report of various data points of co-browsing sessions, including Mobile, Gender, Email, Device Locale, OS Version, OS API Level, App Id, App Name, App Version, App Build, SDK Version, Platform, Agent Name, Agent Email, Session Id, Session Created, and Session Ended.

Example Widgets

All co-browse sessions

See all co-browsing sessions along with the profile of the customer who engaged in co-browsing, no. of co-browsing sessions on the case and the status of the last co-browsing session

Co-browsing sessions rejected

See instances where customers rejected co-browse requests made by agents.