Approval Column



You can create an Approval column in the Task Sheet to track approval responses and view how many approvals are completed and pending. You can also send automated or manual reminders to your Approvers to keep content publishing on track. Approvers receive platform and email notifications and can approve or reject content from their inbox or email.

Add Approval Column

1. Once you have created and deployed an Approval workflow, you can add the Approval column in your Task Sheet by hovering over any column, clicking the Options icon and selecting Add Column Right/ Left.


A screenshot of a computer

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2. From the Add Column pop-up, select Approval from the Choose Existing tab. It's a Single Line Text type column.


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3. Once the Approval column is added, it's locked, meaning it cannot be edited or removed. You can only hide the column from your sheet.

4. You can hover over any cell in the Approval column to check whether the Approval status of a Task.


A screenshot of a task status

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5. If Approval is pending for any Task, you can hover over the corresponding cell in the Approval column and click the Bell icon in the pop-up to send a reminder to the Approver(s).

A screenshot of a task

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