Types of Columns in Tasks/Projects


Project management offers a diverse range of column (field) types which can be added to your projects or tasks. The available field types are: 

  1. Single Line Text 

  2. Multi Line Text 

  3. Number 

  4. Attachment 

  5. Checkbox 

  6. Single Select 

  7. Multi Select 

  8. Date 

  9. URL 

  10. Email 

  11. User 

  12. Percentage 

  13. Currency

Let's discuss each one of these in detail:

  1. Single Line Text: The "Single Line Text" column type is best suited for field values comprising words or brief sentences. While there's no character limit, it's recommended not to use this column for extended text.

  2. Multi Line Text: The "Multi Line Text" column type is ideal for field values that span multiple lines of text. Although there is no character restriction, a notable benefit of this column type is the ability to preview the cell's content simply by hovering over it.

  3. Number: The "Number" column type is designed for field values that may include positive, negative, or decimal numbers. Without a predefined precision limit, it accommodates the entire range of numbers, from the smallest to the largest. 

  4. ​Attachment: The "Attachment" column allows you to add one or more attachments. Files can be uploaded from your device. Once uploaded, attachments can be previewed and downloaded. Project Management accommodates all majorly used attachment formats including pdf, pptx, docx, xls, jpg, png, gif, mp4, mp3, mov etc. 

  5. Checkbox: The "Checkbox" column type is designed for situations where column cells have only two potential values, typically representing "true" or "false" conditions. This format is ideal for indicating the presence or absence of a particular feature, verifying task completions, or confirming choices in a binary manner. 

  6. Single Select: The "Single Select" column type allows users to choose one option from a dropdown list. Each dropdown value can be customized with icons and colors to enhance visual representation. Columns such as "Status" and "Priority" are standard examples of this type. 

  7. Multi Select: The "Multi Select" column type permits users to choose several options from a dropdown list. Each dropdown value can be customized with icons and colors for a clearer visual distinction.  

  8. Date: The "Date" column type allows users to select a date using an intuitive calendar picker. Optionally, you can also include time along with the date (turn on the “Include Time” toggle) and display the respective time zone (turn on the “Display Time Zone” toggle). Available date display formats to choose “Date Format” are: 

    • Local (07/30/2023) 

    • Friendly (30 July 2023) 

    • US (07/30/2023) 

    • European (30/07/2023) 

    • ISO (2023-07-30) 

  9. URL: The "URL" column type is designed to accommodate a single clickable URL. When clicked, the URL opens in a new browser tab. For adding multiple URLs, it's recommended to utilize the multi-line text column type. 

  10. Email: The "Email" column type is tailored for inputting a single clickable email address. When clicked, it launches your default email software's compose window. If you need to enter multiple email addresses, consider using the multi-line text column type. 

  11. User: The "User" column type allows you to select individuals from your workspace. While it is set to accommodate a single user by default, it can be adjusted to support the selection of multiple users within a single cell if needed. 

  12. Percentage: The "Percentage" column type is designed to input percentage values. When setting up or editing this field, you have the option to define the precision and decide whether to permit negative percentage values. 

  13. Currency: The "Currency" column type allows you to input currency values. When configuring or modifying this field, you can designate the currency type, set the precision, establish a default value, and opt to allow negative values. When a new task or project is created, the specified default value is automatically populated in the currency column. ​