How to Approve Ad Campaigns and Creatives


Approval of ads and creatives is required to make them safe and appropriate for everyone. While approving Campaigns, Ad Sets, Ad Variants, and Creatives, we ensure that your ad campaigns meet the channel guidelines and restrictions before they are published. This helps you to have greater control over the quality of your ads and creatives.​ In this article, one can get a detailed guide on how to manage and approve ad entities within Sprinklr's platform.

To View and Approve

  1. Click the New Tab icon. Under the Sprinklr Social tab, click Engagement Dashboards within Engage.

  2. Click Add Column in the top right corner of the desired Engagement dashboard.

  3. Select Paid as the column type and choose from Approval Required or Approval Queue.

  4. On the Add New Paid Column window, configure additional column details as required and click Create Column in the bottom-right corner.

  5. Once saved, hover over the column you have created. Select the option as desired:

    • Approve - Click to approve the ad entity sent for approval.

    • Reject - Click to reject the ad entity sent for approval.

    • Recall - Click to recall the ad entity to its draft state.

      Note: Only the person who has submitted for approval can recall to the draft state.

    • View in Ads Manager - Click to view your ads in Ads Manager.

    • View Campaign Summary - Click to view the campaign summary.

    • Open Details - Click to open all details in the right pane.


  • Double click the Paid Initiative, Ad Set, Ad Variant, or Ad Creative to open up the Details pane in the right where you can preview the content and see all the applied properties. At the top of the pane, you will find the same approval options available in the column view

  • You can easily manage all the custom fields applied to your creative under the Outbound Properties tab within the Details pane of the ad creative approval column

  • You can view the Click-Through URL in the creative preview of your ad entity within the Engagement dashboard.

  • For Approval Required, if author is not selected in the column properties then current user will be considered as default value.

Enablement Note:

Users must have the Manage Ads permission to approve ad entities that are in approval from the Details pane. To learn more, see Set Ad Account Area Permissions .


  • Users can now efficiently approve, reject, or manage ad entities in bulk from the Engagement Dashboard​ ​

  • Select multiple entities and use the bulk action bar for streamlined approvals, with options visible only to users with the appropriate permissions​


1. Click the New Tab icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) tab, click Ads Manager within Plan.

2. On the Ads Manager window, click the View and Edit icon alongside the ad entity sent to you for approval.

3. In the View & Edit pane to the right, scroll down to the Approval section from the middle pane.

  • Note: Users must have the Manage Ads permission to approve ad entities that are in approval from the Details pane. To learn more, see Set Ad Account Area Permissions .

  • 4. Click Approve to approve the ad entity. You can also provide a comment while approving the entity. Click Approve again to complete the process. 

    1. Click the New Tab icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) tab, click Creative Library within Plan.

    2. On the Digital Asset Management (DAM) window, click Status from the top Filters container and select Approval

    3. All the ad creatives that are pending approval will populate in your Ad Creatives window. Hover over the Options icon in the bottom-right corner of the desired creative you want to approve/reject and select Detail.

    4. On the Asset Details window, you can select from the following in the top bar of the Overview pane:

      1. Approve Creative - Approve the creative for publishing.

      2. Approve Creative as Draft - The creative will be approved as a draft but not sent to the channel for publishing. It will remain in the approved draft state until the user publishes it.

      3. Reject Creative - Reject the creative if it doesn't meet the required guidelines.

    5. To view the approved content, click Status from the top filter bar and select Approved or Approved Draft.

    Note: The approved draft creatives can be used within ads. To learn more, see Use Approved Creatives as Templates .


    If you create a Paid Iniaitive with Ad Sets & Ad Variants in the Ads Composer or Manager, and it is sent for approval (either manually or via Rules), then once the Paid Iniative is approved, all the entities underneath it will be automnatically approved. For adding more Ad Sets or Ad Variants later, see "Other Ad Entity Approval Scenarios".

    Instantly. As soon as an ad entity is Rejected, its status is changed to Draft within the Ads Manager.

    Only the owner of the ad entity (who composed it) will receive a notification on the rejection/approval of the ad entity. Currently, you cannot assign permission to other users to receive notifications.