How to Approve Ads or Ad Creatives by Email


An Approver may only need to review and approve ad variants or ad creatives instead of having to use Sprinklr actively. This can be achieved by a simple mechanism of sending an email to approve the entity.

Sprinklr introduces Email Approvals for ad creatives to implement this mechanism. You can assign users outside Sprinklr to approve or reject your creatives without the requirement of having a Sprinklr login. From the email, approvers can preview the content and reply to the email with approval status and feedback. This way, the approver is already well accustomed to a workflow he/she is familiar with and there is no prerequisite knowledge required.

Enablement Note: To learn more about getting this capability enabled in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Value Proposition


Social Media Manager

Manually draft emails for approvers not having Sprinklr access and adding them to workspaces regardless of them not needing to use Sprinklr actively

Expedite the approval process for your creatives by providing your legal teams the option to approve/reject creatives via email.

  • Add External Users to receive automated emails and directly take actions for approvals.

  • If the approvers have access to Sprinklr, they can attend to the request from their live workspaces as well.

Legal Teams, Admins

Longer turnaround time where users needed to navigate across workspaces to approve/reject creatives

Receive emails for approval the minute an ad creative is ready for review without any prerequisite platform knowledge take actions instantly from your email inboxes.

Emain Approval Steps in Creation workflow

  1. Follow the steps outlined in this article to send an Ad Variants for approval.

  2. On the Send for Approval window, select Ad as the Approval Entity Level.

  3. Select External User as the Approval Type and provide the external user email in the Approvers field.

  4. You can add a note in the Comment field and then click Send for Approval.

  1. Follow the steps outlined in this article to send an Ad Creatives for approval.

  2. On the Create New Asset window, select External User as the Approval within Approval and Approval Notifications.

  3. Provide the external user email in the Select an approval user field.

  4. You can add a note in the Note field and then click Send for Approval.

The approval requests are sent to the approver’s Email Id with a clickable/downloadable PDF attachment that contains the details about the ad variant or ad creative preview details which they can check to decide their action.

  1. Login to your Email Inbox and open the email with the subject [Sprinklr] Request for [Ad Variant/Ad Creative] Approval.

  2. You can now ApproveApprove as Draft, or Reject the ad creative in the email itself. If you have a Sprinklr login, click View on Sprinklr to verify more details.

  3. You can click the PDF attachment to view the placement wise previews within the email itself.

  4. On clicking an option, it will open the email composer with the sender and current approver in the email loop. You can add comments on the content in the email.

  5. Upon sending an approval response via email:

    • The email notification will be sent to the author, all the approvers, and to the users who are provisioned for approval notifications.

    • In-platform notification will also be sent to the assigned users in Sprinklr.

    • The Ad Creative status will reflect as approved or rejected accordingly.

    • The email comments will reflect in the approval notes.

Email Approval Steps using Tiered Approvals

In order to allow the approvers to take actions externally, they have to be added to the respective Tiered Approvals as an external approver by registering their Email ID where they will be receiving approval requests.

  1. Follow the steps outlined in Add a Tiered Approval to configure and enable an Approval Path for your creatives.

  2. In the Approval For drop-down menu, select Publishing.

  3. In the Approval Steps section, set the Approver Type to External User and provide the approver's registered Email Id in the Approver field.
    Set Approver Type as External User

  4. Click Save in the bottom right corner to save your created tiered approval.

The next step is to send your creative for approval to the tiered approval that you have created above. For more information on how to send creatives for approval, see To Send Creatives for Approval. Once an approval task is created from the Creative Library, an email will be sent to the approvers.

  • If the recipient is a single approver user, then an email notification will be sent to the approver user.

  • If the approval recipients belong to an approval queue, then the email notification will be sent to all the users belonging to the queue.

  • If the approval follows a tiered approval path, then the email notification will follow the same order as the tiered approval flow (Eg: Approver users belonging to tier 2 will receive the email only after the approval user(s) of tier 1 have responded).

  • If any change is made to the creative when it’s in the approval state and is re-sent for approval, another email notification will be sent in the same email thread about the latest changes along with the latest PDF attached. The Approver can approve or reject from the older or latest version, and the latest version will be considered for approval/rejection.

  • Mail generation can take more than 10 minutes.

  • If mail generation gets failed, then approvee will get notification regarding failure and needs to recall the entity to draft state and can later send for approval again.

The approval requests are sent to the approver’s Email Id with a downloadable attachment that contains the details about the request which they can check to decide their action.

  1. Login to your Email Inbox and open the email with the subject Your approval is requested for Ad Creative.

  2. You can now ApproveApprove as Draft, or Reject the ad creative in the email itself. If you have a Sprinklr login, click View on Sprinklr to verify more details.
    Approve Ad Creatives from Email Inbox

  3. On clicking an option, it will open the email composer with the sender and current approver in the email loop. You can add comments on the content in the email.

  4. Upon sending an approval response via email:

    • The email notification will be sent to the author, all the approvers, and to the users who are provisioned for approval notifications.

    • In-platform notification will also be sent to the assigned users in Sprinklr.

    • The Ad Creative status will reflect as approved or rejected accordingly.

    • The email comments will reflect in the approval notes.