How to Send Ad Campaigns & Creatives for Approval


Approvals for Paid Initiatives, Ad Sets, Ad Variants, and Creatives can help ensure that your campaigns meet the required guidelines before they are published. With an approver in place, you have greater control over the quality of the content that is being published.

In this article, you will be learning how to send your advertising entities for approval:

  • Manually

    • Send Ads, Ad Sets, & Paid Initiatives for Approval via Ads Composer

    • Send Ads, Ad Sets & Paid Initiatives for Approval via Ads Manager

    • Send Ad Creatives for Approval via Creative Library

  • Using the Rule Engine

    • Send Ads, Ad Sets, or Paid Initiatives for Approval via Paid Approval Rules

    • Send Ads for Approval via Auto Boost Rules

    • Send Ad Creatives for Approvals via Outbound Rules

  • Other Ad Entity Approval Scenarios

Note: You will be able to view your ad entities that require approval in an Ads Approval column within the Engagement Dashboard. For more information, see Approving Ads .

Before you Begin

Ensure that an Approval Path has been created for your ads. Approval paths can make approval from a user (or users) mandatory. Follow the instructions in Add a Tiered Approval to configure and enable an approval path for your ads.

To Send Entities for Approval via:

  1. Click the New Tab icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) tab, click Ads Composer, within Execute.

  2. On the Create an Ad Campaign window, select your ad account and fill in the details as prompted. For more information, see About the Ads Composer.

  3. On the Review section, hover over Publish in the bottom right corner and click Send for Approval.

  4. On the Send for Approval window, select the desired Approval Type.

  5. The box alongside Publish as active once approved will be checked by default to ensure that your ad is published as Active after being approved. You can, however, uncheck the box to ensure that your ad is being published as paused after approval. This will make sure that your Campaigns/Ad Sets/Ads are not going active before the intended schedule and avoid any governance issues.

  6. Select the desired Approval Entity Level and click Send for Approval once done. Your ad will be sent for approval to the assigned User or Approval Path. To learn about different ad entity approval scenarios, see below.

  7. Note: If you select Ad Set or Ad as an Approval Entity Level, all the Ad Sets and Ad Variants belonging to the campaign will be also sent for approval.

  1. Click the New Tab icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) tab, click Ads Manager within Analyze.

  2. After cloning an ad entity, hover over the Options icon alongside and select View & Edit from the options.

  3. In the Edit pane to the right, scroll down to Approval under the Ads section.

  4. From the Approval Type dropdown menu, select the type of approval you would like the ad entity to run through from.

  5. Follows an Approval Path - Select the path your ad entity must follow to get approved/rejected from the Approval Path drop-down menu.


  • You can add comments while sending an ad entity for approval

  • Only a single ad entity level can be sent for approval at a time. For example, let's say your Paid Initiative A has two Ad Sets A1 and A2 consisting of two Ads within each Ad Set. If A is in approval, you will not be able to send A1 and A2 or the Ads within the same Ad Sets for approval.

  • To learn about different ad entity approval scenarios, see Ad Entity Approval Scenario.

    • The box alongside Publish as active once approved will be checked by default to ensure that your ad is published as active after being approved. You can, however, uncheck the box to ensure that your ad is being published as paused after approval.

    • This will make sure that your Campaigns/Ad Sets/Ads are not going active before the intended schedule and avoid any governance issues.

    • From the bottom-right corner of the Ads Manager window, click Review Changes to review your changes.

    • On the Review Changes window, click Apply Changes in the bottom right corner to save the changes.

    • Click the New Tab icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) tab, click Creative Library within Plan.

    • Follow the steps outlined in Add a Creative to build your ad creative.

    • In the Approval and Approval Notifications section, under Approval, select an approval path for your creative. You can select from the following:

      • Required by the account owner - Send the creative for approval to the account owner.

      • Follows an Approval Path - Send the creative for approval through an Approval Queue. From the Approval Path drop-down menu, select the path your creative must follow to get approved/rejected

    • Note: Note: If you have any Ad Creative customizations (PAC, DLO, Location Customization, Dynamic Creative) in place and send the creative for approval, only the Approve as Draft and Reject options will be available as these Ad Creatives cannot directly be published.

    • In the Note field, specify the purpose of this creative.

    • Select the User/User Groups to be notified after approval from the drop-down menu. This is also applicable for posts that are sent for approval via Rule Engine.

    • Click Send for Approval in the bottom-right corner to save the creative as a draft and send for approval.

    Note: You will be able to view your creatives that require approval in the In Approval board of the Creative Library. For more information, see Approving Creatives .

    The Rules Engine can be used to automatically route an ad entity to an approval flow if the entity meets the required conditions. Automated approval workflows increase efficiency by saving you from having to manually update an approval flow for every ad entity that meets the criteria.

    1. Click the New Tab icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) tab, click Manage Rules within Optimize.

    2. On the New Rule window, enter a Name and Description for your Rule.

    3. Select Customer as the Rule Scope and Paid as the Context. Click Next in the bottom right corner.

    4. On the Rule Builder window, click the Addition icon and select Add Condition. Start configuring your rule by setting a condition as needed. For more information, see Paid Rule Conditions — Descriptions.

    5. On the Rule Builder window, click the Addition icon and select Add Action.

    6. In the Actions to "Control the Approval properties of the entities and/or send emails", select approval actions for your ad entities as desired. 

    7. Click Save in the bottom right corner.

      To learn about different ad entity approval scenarios, see Ad Entity Approval Scenario.

    When auto boosting organic content, Sprinklr can send a post through an approval path or to a specific user for approval before activating the ad to spend in an ad campaign.

    1. Click the New Tab icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) tab, click Manage Rules within Optimize.

    2. On the New Rule window, enter a Name and Description for your Rule.

    3. Select Customer as the Rule Scope and Auto Boost as the Context. Click Next in the bottom right corner.

    4. On the Rule Builder window, click the Addition icon and select Add Condition. Start configuring your rule by setting a condition as needed. For more information, see Auto Boost Rule Conditions — Descriptions.

    5. On the Rule Builder window, click the Addition icon and select Add Action.

    6. In the Actions to "Create Ad", select the ad account for the ad. Subsequently, select from the following actions:

      1. Create Ad with Existing Paid Initiative and New Ad Set, or

      2. Create Ad with New Paid Initiative

    7. Set the desired actions to create an ad and click Add another action to select from the following approval actions:

      1. Approval Path

      2. Approval User

    8. Click Save in the bottom right corner.

      To learn about different ad entity approval scenarios, see Ad Entity Approval Scenario.

    Outbound Rules can be used to automatically route an ad creative to an approval flow if the post meets the necessary conditions.

    1. Click the New Tab icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) tab, click Manage Rules within Optimize.

    2. On the New Rule window, enter a Name and Description for your Rule.

    3. Select Workspace as the Rule Scope and Outbound as the Context. Click Next in the bottom right corner.

    4. On the Rule Builder window, click the Addition icon and select Add Condition.

    5. In the Conditions Applies to "The properties of the Outbound Message", select Post Creation Source as the condition and set it to Creative Library.

    6. Note

    7. Both ad accounts and pages can be used as filters in the conditions.

    8. On the Rule Builder window, click the Addition icon and select Add Action.

    9. In the Actions to "Change the Approval properties of the Message", select from the below approval actions as desired.

      1. Set Approval Path

      2. Set User Approval

    10. Click Save in the bottom right corner.

    ​Other Ad Entity Approval Scenarios



    If you are sending a parent entity for approval when any of its child entities are already in the approval

    It is not possible to send a parent entity for approval when any of its child entities are in the approval

    If any of the approval entities fail to publish or rejected

    • Status of the entity goes to draft with an information icon

    • Allowing to publish any of the entities without the need to go through the approval path again

    If a Paid Initiative or Ad Set is already in approval state, creating a child entity under it using Quick Ad Publish

    The newly created ad entity will automatically be sent for Approval

    If a Paid Initiative or Ad Set is already in the rejected state, creating a child entity under it using Quick Ad Publish

    You can publish these entities without going through the Approval path

    If the scheduling has started but the ad entity has not been approved

    It will remain in Approval and not go Active until it has been approved

    If the ad entity has been approved before scheduling

    It will remain in the Paused state until scheduling begins

    If user doesn't appear in the drop down when required by user is selected

    User needs to be added in the Approvers of the user who is sending for approval, this can be edited in the user's settings




    Ads Composer

    If manually sent for approval and meets the rule

    The manually sent approval will be triggered first followed by Rule-based approval.

    Exception: If the manual and rule-based entity levels are the same, and both go through the same approval path, then approval will be sent only once through Rule.

    Ads Manager

    If the approval entity meets the rule & you try to publish the approval entity

    The approval rule will get activated and send the entity for approval before publishing

    If approval entity meets rule & you try to publish child entity

    The approval entity and its child entities will be sent for approval

    If approval entity meets rule & you try to publish parent entity

    The parent entity will get published and the approval entity will be sent for approval via Rule

    If manually sent for approval and meets the rule

    Manually sent approval will be triggered first followed by Rule-based approval.

    Exception: If the manual and rule-based entity levels are the same, and both go through the same approval path, then approval will be sent only once through Rule.

    If approval entity or its child entities fail to publish after approval

    • Publishing them again will not trigger the approval rule

    • You can manually send it again for approval

    If the approval entity gets rejected

    • The rejected entity will go to a draft state

    • Publishing the entity or child entities will send it for approval using the rule before publishing

    • You can manually send it for approval. Manually sent approval will be triggered first followed by approval based on Rules

    Exception: If the entity is sent via a rule or manually and both go through the same approval path then the approval will be sent only once through the rule

    If a Paid Initiative / Ad Set is in approval using Rule, and you try to create a new child entity under it using Quick Ad Publish

    A new ad entity will also be sent for approval using the same rule.

    If a Paid Initiative / Ad Set is in the rejected state using Rule, and you try to create a new child entity under it using Quick Ad Publish

    • The newly created entity will be in a draft state. 

    • Publishing a parent entity will also send the new entity through the approval path.

    • If you try to publish a child entity, the approval entity and child entities will be sent for approval.

    If Paid Initiative/Ad Set is in the published state after approval, and you try to create a new child entity under it using Quick Ad Publish

    • You can publish the newly created ad entity(s) without sending them for approval

    • You can manually change the approval settings

    If Paid Initiative / Ad Set is approved & publishing failed due to channel error or recalled back to draft

    Rule won't send the same entity to same approval user / approval path which it had sent earlier upon retry of publishing



    After an ad entity goes through the approval

    • The owner (the user who created the campaign) / approver (one or more users to whom the campaign is sent for approval) of the ad entity can edit them - upon which it will automatically trigger a new approval request.

    • You can not edit them if you are not the owner of the entity.

    After an ad entity goes through the approval

    You can not edit the approval path if it is sent by a rule.

    Publish Post with Campaign using Quick Ad Publish

    If a campaign is published and the ad scheduling is already started, the scheduling checkbox will be disabled.




    Ads Composer

    If manually sent for approval and meets the rule

    The manually sent approval will be triggered first followed by Rule-based approval.

    Exception: If the manual and rule-based entity levels are the same, and both go through the same approval path, then approval will be sent only once through Rule.

    Ads Manager

    If the approval entity meets the rule & you try to publish the approval entity

    The approval rule will get activated and send the entity for approval before publishing

    If approval entity meets rule & you try to publish child entity

    The approval entity and its child entities will be sent for approval

    If approval entity meets rule & you try to publish parent entity

    The parent entity will get published and the approval entity will be sent for approval via Rule

    If manually sent for approval and meets the rule

    Manually sent approval will be triggered first followed by Rule-based approval.

    Exception: If the manual and rule-based entity levels are the same, and both go through the same approval path, then approval will be sent only once through Rule.

    If approval entity or its child entities fail to publish after approval

    • Publishing them again will not trigger the approval rule

    • You can manually send it again for approval

    If the approval entity gets rejected

    • The rejected entity will go to a draft state

    • Publishing the entity or child entities will send it for approval using the rule before publishing

    • You can manually send it for approval. Manually sent approval will be triggered first followed by approval based on Rules

    Exception: If the entity is sent via a rule or manually and both go through the same approval path then the approval will be sent only once through the rule

    If a Paid Initiative / Ad Set is in approval using Rule, and you try to create a new child entity under it using Quick Ad Publish

    A new ad entity will also be sent for approval using the same rule.

    If a Paid Initiative / Ad Set is in the rejected state using Rule, and you try to create a new child entity under it using Quick Ad Publish

    • The newly created entity will be in a draft state. 

    • Publishing a parent entity will also send the new entity through the approval path.

    • If you try to publish a child entity, the approval entity and child entities will be sent for approval.

    If Paid Initiative/Ad Set is in the published state after approval, and you try to create a new child entity under it using Quick Ad Publish

    • You can publish the newly created ad entity(s) without sending them for approval

    • You can manually change the approval settings

    If Paid Initiative / Ad Set is approved & publishing failed due to channel error or recalled back to draft

    Rule won't send the same entity to same approval user / approval path which it had sent earlier upon retry of publishing



    After an ad entity goes through the approval

    • The owner (the user who created the campaign) / approver (one or more users to whom the campaign is sent for approval) of the ad entity can edit them - upon which it will automatically trigger a new approval request.

    • You can not edit them if you are not the owner of the entity.

    After an ad entity goes through the approval

    You can not edit the approval path if it is sent by a rule.

    Publish Post with Campaign using Quick Ad Publish

    If a campaign is published and the ad scheduling is already started, the scheduling checkbox will be disabled.



    After an ad entity goes through the approval

    • The owner (the user who created the campaign) / approver (one or more users to whom the campaign is sent for approval) of the ad entity can edit them - upon which it will automatically trigger a new approval request.

    • You can not edit them if you are not the owner of the entity.

    After an ad entity goes through the approval

    You can not edit the approval path if it is sent by a rule.

    Publish Post with Campaign using Quick Ad Publish

    If a campaign is published and the ad scheduling is already started, the scheduling checkbox will be disabled.