Compose LinkedIn Conversation Ads


Engage your prospects in a more targeted, personalized, and effective way using Conversation Ads on LinkedIn.

To drive quality results in today's evolving landscape, you need to have quality conversations with professionals. Conversation Ads on LinkedIn are a great way to reach and engage your customers on the world's largest network of professionals through a choose-your-own-path experience.

What are Conversation Ads?

Conversation Ads is a sponsored messaging ad type on LinkedIn that allows you to start conversations with professionals and business decision-makers via LinkedIn Messaging on both desktop and mobile devices.

With conversation ads, you can set up multiple call-to-action (CTA) buttons to get your prospect to visit a landing page, fill out a Lead Gen Form, or request more information via an automated text response. The responses to each selection are determined through a decision tree that you create.

To learn more, see Conversation Ads - Overview.

Value Proposition

Deepen engagement with your audience

Turn conversations into quality conversions

Better understand your audience's intentions

Make it easy for prospects to access the content and offers they want, all in one LinkedIn Conversation Ad, and keep them engaged throughout their journey.

Using qualifying questions and Lead Gen Forms for easy lead collection, you'll drive higher-quality leads directly into your pipeline.

With detailed click reporting, see how many people are engaging with your LinkedIn Conversation Ads and offers, and how engaged they are in your conversations.

  1. Click the New Tab icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) tab, click Ads Composer within Execute.

  2. Select your LinkedIn Business Ad Account. In the Campaign Details section, select from the following supported objectives:

    • Brand Awareness

    • Website Visits

    • Engagement

    • Website Conversion

    • Lead Generation

  3. Select Conversation Ads as the corresponding Ad Format and proceed with the campaign creation workflow. For more information, see Compose LinkedIn Ads.


    • The LinkedIn Audience Network placement is not supported for this ad format.

    • You cannot select EU countries and regions for targeting with this ad format.

  4. In the Creatives section, click Add another creative. On the Select Creatives window, you can select from existing creatives or click Add New Creative.

  5. On clicking Add New Creative, provide the necessary creative details. For more information, see Creative — Field Descriptions.

  6. Once you have added the conversation to your Ad, an interactive Preview will be generated to test your conversation rule.

  7. Click Save and proceed with the prompted steps to publish your campaign.

Note: You can Bulk Import Support for LinkedIn conversation ads to create In-mail/Message Ads. The functionality to publish Message Ads will remain active as this format is being deprecated by LinkedIn this June.

  1. On the Select Conversation window, you can choose to select from standard Templates provided by LinkedIn or User Created conversations from past campaigns. You can also search based on the conversation name.

  2. Here you can select select one of the Available standard templates or create new conversations based on rules from scratch or use a old conversation as a template.

  3. Note:

    • Lead Generation conversation assets will only be shown for the Lead Generation objective.

    • For creatives created in the Creative Library, you will have the option to Use as Template.

  4. To create a new conversation rule from scratch, click Create New Conversation.

  5. On the Rule Builder window, click the + icon and select Add Conversation to add a message box.

  6. On the Add Conversation pop-up, fill in the details. For more information, see Add Conversation Rules — Field Descriptions. Click Save.


    • You can edit the message by hovering over the message box and clicking the Pencil icon.

    • To delete a message box, click the Delete icon on hover.

    • All nodes of the rule should conclude with an intro message or a call to action.

  7. For messages that have the CTA as Show next message, click the + icon below that CTA branch and follow steps 3 and 4 again.

  8. Once you have created the conversation rule, click Save Conversations in the bottom-right corner and provide a name for your conversation rule. Click Save.


    Auto-imported conversations will have the Ad name set as the conversation name.

  1. Click the New Tab icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) tab, click Creative Library within Plan.

  2. You will be redirected to the Digital Asset Manager (DAM). In the top right corner, click the Drop-down icon alongside Add Asset and select Ad Creative.

    Creating Ad Creative Asset

  3. On the Create New Asset window, provide a Creative Name, select LinkedIn as the Channel, the supported Objective (mentioned above) for conversation ads, and a Business Ad Account.

  4. From the Post Type drop-down menu, select Conversation Ads.

  5. Under Creative Details, provide the necessary creative details. For more information, see Creative — Field Descriptions.

  6. Proceed to add other details to your creative and publish/save as a draft. For more information, see Add Creatives in the Creative Library.

  • A conversation rule can have up to a maximum of 25 Intro messages.

  • A message box can have up to 5 call-to-actions (CTA).

  • All nodes of the rule should conclude with an Intro message or CTA redirecting to a website.

  • Lead Generation campaigns:

    • Once a Lead Form is selected, a node with the Thank you response of the lead form as an intro message and a CTA to Visit company website will be added. These fields are not editable.

    • You can only create a conversation rule when the lead generation form is selected.

    • Campaigns must have at least one CTA button that opens up a Lead Gen Form in the conversation rule.

    • If CTA action is changed in any node, the tree below it will be retained.

    • If the CTA action is changed to a non Lead Form action, the subsequent nodes will be retained but the Thank you intro message and CTA will be deleted.

  • If the URLs of the tree are updated or added, the web analytics and URL shortener will be applied to them.

  • API Limitations:

    • Only the Media used in the conversation rule is not imported into Sprinklr for ads created in native.

    • Conversation Reporting with CTA level insights is not supported in Sprinklr.

Creative — Field Descriptions



Add Conversation*

Click to add the conversation flow for your Ad. For more information, see Add Conversation Rules.

Banner Creative

Click to upload a banner creative. Adding a banner creative reserves that ad space for you. The banner only shows on desktop but not on mobile or the conversation window.

If you don’t upload a banner image, another brand’s image can show

up in this placement.

Lead Gen Form*

(only applicable for Lead Generation objective)

Select a lead form for your Ad. You can only use one Lead Gen Form in an ad.

Add a custom footer for terms, conditions, or disclaimers

(only applicable for Lead Generation objective)

Check this box to add a custom footer for terms and conditions, or disclaimers.

You can enter the terms and conditions within the text box and format it as per your requirements.

Ad Name*

Enter a name for your Ad.

Add Sender*

Select the sender of your message. The sender plays an important role in representing your brand and influencing your audience experience.

The LinkedIn profiles linked to the ad account will be shown in the menu.

Web Analytics

Select a web analytics profile from the drop-down.

URL Shortener

Select a URL shortener from the drop-down. Shortened links allow you to share long URLs while maintaining the maximum number of characters for your message.


Add Conversation Rules — Field Descriptions



Intro Message

Enter the text that introduces to people what you're promoting. This is the first message they will receive. Use macros such as First name, Last name, Job title, etc. to pull a member’s LinkedIn profile data into your ad for instant personalization.

Note that a conversation rule can have up to 25 intro messages.


Click to add an image to your message.

CTA Info

CTA Name

Enter a name for your call to action button. Maximum 25 characters.


Select the call-to-action type from the following:

  • Send to Website

  • Show next message

  • Open a Lead Gen Form (only applicable for Lead Generation objective)

Destination URL

(only visible when Send to Website action is selected)

Enter the website URL a user lands on after clicking the Send to Website call to action.

If the CTA action is changed in any node, the subsequent nodes will be retained.

Lead Gen Form

(only visible when Open a Lead Gen Form action is selected)

Select the Lead Form to open on clicking the Open a Lead Gen Form call to action.

Once a Lead Form is selected, a node with the Thank you response of the lead form as an intro message and a CTA to Visit company website will be added. These fields are not editable.


If the CTA action is changed to a non Lead Form action, the subsequent nodes will be retained but the Thank you response and CTA to Visit company website will be deleted.

Add another CTA

Click to add another call-to-action button. Note that you can add a maximum of 5 CTAs in a message.