LinkedIn Follower Ads


What are Follower Ads? 

Follower Ads on LinkedIn are a type of advertising campaign that allows companies and organizations to promote their LinkedIn Company Page and gain more followers. These ads are tailored to each member as they feature their profile photo next to your company’s logo, plus their first name and your company name in the ad copy.

This ad format may be used in these objective-based advertising options:

  • Brand awareness

  • Engagement

Steps to create Follower Ads for LinkedIn in Sprinklr 

  1. Click the New Tab icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) tab, click Ads Composer within Execute

  2. Select your LinkedIn Business Ad Account. In the Campaign Details section, select from the following supported objectives: 

    • Brand Awareness 

    • Engagement 

  3. Select Follower Ads as the corresponding Ad Format and proceed with the campaign creation workflow.  

  4. In the Creatives section, click Add another creative

  5. In the Creative Section, 

    • Ad headline : Select a preset Ad headline from the dropdown menu or type a Custom ad headline to write your own.

    • Company Name : Input the company name for your ad.

    • Use Profile Image : Select the checkbox next to Use profile image to choose if a member’s profile image appears on the ad.

    • Ad Description : Select a preset Ad description from the dropdown menu or type a custom ad description .

    • Call to Action : Choose the action you want people to take when they see your ad.

      • Non-followers of your Company or Showcase Page will be prompted to ’Follow’ your page.

      • Current followers of your Company or Showcase Page will not be prompted to follow your page. You can choose which call-to-action they will see from the dropdown menu.

6. Click  Save and proceed with the prompted steps to publish your campaign


  • Enable Audience Expansion will not be supported for Follower Ads. 

  • Placement for all objectives will be ‘LinkedIn’. ‘LinkedIn Audience Network’ is not supported.