Apply Strategy Groups to LinkedIn Ads


You can apply Strategy Groups at the Ad Set level for LinkedIn and automate the management of budget, bid, and creative rotation to achieve your optimization objectives with a minimum cost per action. You can leverage this capability via Ads Manager, Ads Composer, Rule Engine, and Bulk Import.

In this article, you will be learning how to:


If a Campaign level Strategy Group is applied, then you can’t apply another Strategy Group at the Ad Set level and vice versa. However, you can still remove all the Strategy Group(s) at a given level and apply them to the other level.

  1. Click the New Tab icon Space Add New Tab Icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) tab, click Ads Manager within Analyze.

  2. On the Ads Manager window, click Strategy Groups in the top right corner of the section bar.

  3. Click Create Strategy Group in the top right corner of the Strategy Group window.

  4. In the New Strategy Group pane to the right, provide the Strategy Group Name and select LinkedIn from the Channel drop-down.

  5. From the Apply Strategy Group On drop-down menu, select the level (Campaign or Ad Set) at which you want to apply your strategy group. Here, we will select Ad Set Level for applying Strategy Group at the Ad Set level.Apply Strategy Group at Ad Set level

  6. Provide other details for your strategy group and click Create Strategy in the bottom right corner of the pane. For more information, see Strategy Group — Field Description.

  1. Click the New Tab icon Space Add New Tab Icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) tab, click Ads Manager within Analyze.

  2. On the Ads Manager window, select the desired LinkedIn ad campaign by checking the box alongside and click View & Edit from the bottom Edit panel. You can apply Strategy Groups to more than one Campaign at once.

  3. In the Options rail to the far right of the View and Edit pane, click Strategy.
    Navigating Strategy Group Section

  4. From the Campaign Structure pane, select the Ad Set on which you want to apply the Strategy Group. You can apply more than one strategy group at once.

    You can click Create New Strategy Group if you want to create a new group from scratch. For more information, see Create a Strategy Group.
    Applying Strategy Group at Ad Set Level via Ads Manager

  5. Click Review Changes in the bottom right corner to see the changes you have made.

  6. Click Apply Changes in the bottom right corner to save the changes once reviewed.

  1. Click the New Tab icon Space Add New Tab Icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) tab, click Ads Composer within Execute.

  2. On the Ads Composer window, select your desired LinkedIn Ad Account. 

  3. Within the Campaign Details section, select the campaign objective from Select Objective for your Campaign. Click Next.

  4. Provide the necessary details and proceed to the Optimization section. For more information, see About the Ads Composer.

  5. In the Optimization section, select the Ad Set on which you want to apply Strategy Groups and select a Strategy Group from the drop-down menu. You can apply more than one strategy group at once.

    Click Create New if you want to create a new Strategy Group. For more information, see Create a Strategy Group.
    Applying Strategy Group at Ad Set Level via Ads Composer

  6. Click Next to review and publish your campaign.

  1. Click the New Tab icon Space Add New Tab Icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) tab, click Manage Rules within Optimize.

  2. In the top-right corner of the Rule Engine window, click Create New Rule.

  3. On the New Rule window, enter a Name and Description for your rule.

  4. Select Customer from the Rule Scope drop-down menu and Paid from the Context drop-down menu.

  5. Enter the other details as required and click Next in the bottom-right corner.

  6. On the Rule Builder window, click the Add Condition/Action icon  Screen Shot 2017-10-05 at 1.11.49 PM.png and select Add Condition to set your desired Conditions.
    Creating a Paid Rule in Rule Engine

  7. On the Edit Condition pane to the right, provide a Name and configure your rule conditions such as Channel, Objective, Ad Account, etc. For more information on all the available conditions, see Paid Rule Conditions — Descriptions.

  8. Next, click the Add Condition/Action icon Screen Shot 2017-10-05 at 1.11.49 PM.png and select Add Action.

  9. Under Actions To "Control Properties of Ad Sets", select Ad Set Strategy Group (LinkedIn Only) from the drop-down menu and choose from the list of the Strategy Group(s) you want to apply.
    Applying Strategy Group at LinkedIn Ad Set level

  10. You can further configure your rule actions. For more information on all the available actions, see Paid Rule Actions — Descriptions.

  11. Click Save in the bottom right corner to save your rule.

You can input the Strategy Group Id within the Bulk Import file under the Ad Set Strategy Group Id column and apply Strategy Groups to your LinkedIn Ad Sets in bulk.


This column is only available for LinkedIn.

You can access the specific Strategy Group Id under the ID column of your Strategy Group window. To learn more on bulk importing ads, see Bulk Import Ads.


  • You cannot apply Strategy Groups at the Ad Set level for LinkedIn via 1 Click Ad Buy and Boost Post. However, you can still apply Strategy Groups at the Campaign level via 1 Click Ad Buy and Boost Post workflows.

  • Once you have applied Strategy Group at the Ad Set level, you will not receive Campaign level data while reporting using Pacing Insights metrics.