Compose Snapchat Ads


Advertise on Snapchat and reach a wider group of audience.

Through Snapchat Ads in Sprinklr, you can advertise to an audience of 186 million daily active Snapchatters (, allowing your brand to reach a highly engaged and active audience.

To learn more, click on Ads Composer.

Enablement Note:

The use of this capability requires that Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) be enabled in your environment. To learn more about Sprinklr Marketing (Ads), please work with your Success Manager.

Select Account and Objective

  1. Click the New Tab icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) tab, click Ads Composer within Execute.

  2. On the Ads Composer window, select your Snapchat Ad Account.

  3. Click the New Tab icon. Under the Sprinklr Marketing (Ads) tab, click Ads Composer within Execute.

  4. Enter your campaign name in the Campaign Name field or select Use a Naming Convention to select from predefined campaign names.

  5. Choose an Ad Format depending on the objective selected. The ad formats with their supported objectives are:

    1. Snap Ads: Awareness, App Install, Lead Gen, App Conversions and Website Conversions

    2. Story Ad: Awareness, App Install, App Conversions, Website Conversions, Lead Gen, and Engagement

    3. Collection Ads: Awareness, Drive Traffic to Website, Drive Traffic to App, Lead Generation, Website Conversion

    4. Commercial Ads: Video Views and Awareness

    5. AR Lens: Awareness, Drive Traffic to Website, Drive Traffic to App, Engagement, App Conversions and Website Conversions

  6. For Snap Ads, select an Ad Type from the following:

    1. Image or Video

    2. Commercial

    3. Extended Play Commercial - Includes a Skip option for video lengths greater than 6 seconds. Only available for Awareness and Video Views objectives

  7. Select the Snap App Id from the drop-down menu to track actions Snapchatters take in your mobile app after seeing your ad. Click Add New beneath each promoted object to add multiple objects to your campaign. It will create separate Ad Sets for each promoted object.

    For iOS 14 Ad Campaigns:

    Enable Apple’s SKAdNetwork (SKAN) to measure App Installs and App Conversions when targeting iOS 14 users. Note that the SKAdNetwork is only supported for verified iOS apps.

    For more information, see Apple iOS 14 Changes and Impact on Advertising.

  8. If you are promoting a Credit, Housing, or Employment (CHE) ad in your campaign, you will need to enable the Is CHE Campaign regulation option by sliding the Toggle icon.  For more information, see Advertising Policy and Guidelines for Snapchat.

    Note: CHE Campaigns are now limited to the Awareness objective only, with no other objectives available for selection. Additionally, CHE Campaigns are restricted to two optimization goals: Impressions and Clicks.

  9. Click Define Custom Properties and select the desired custom properties.

  10. Click Next.

Apply Targeting

  1. On the Targeting window, select from Saved Target Audience or click Create New Audience to create a new audience for your Ad.

  2. Once you create a new target audience or select from the saved target audience, click Save Target Audience or Save. For more information, see Snapchat Targeting – Field Descriptions.

  3. Click Next to go to the Budget & Schedule window.

Note: You can update the Ad Squad Targeting and all other fields regardless of whether the Ad Squad is active or paused from Ads Manager.

Snapchat Targeting — Field Descriptions



Ad Format: Snap Ads, Collection Ads, Audience Filter, Commercial Ads, AR Lens or Story Ads


Provide a name for your Snapchat Targeting.


Select for gender-specific targeting.

Geo Location*

Include a location filter to target users in a specific country or region.

Click the Import icon alongside Include to import multiple targeting to your ads.


  • You can target your Snapchat campaigns across multiple countries. Multi-country targeting will help extend the reach and optimize ads globally to the best audience.

  • However, there is no guarantee of evenly distributed delivery for the multi-country targeted Ad Squads. If you want to test audiences between countries, then it is recommended that you set up separate Ad Squads. Note that only one Language can be selected when multiple countries are present in the targeting.

Location Category

Select a pre-determined type of location. The options range from music venues and beaches to car dealers and movie theaters. It is mandatory to choose a radius around the Location Category you are targeting.

Note that as of now, this feature is only available in the US.


Select specific languages to target speakers.

Age Range

Select the minimum (up to 35) and maximum age (up to 50+) from the drop-down menu.

Note that if you do not specify a maximum age range, the targeting will result in no age cap.

Advanced Demographics

Search or browse to target users of a specific education level, income, occupation, and more.

Snap Audience Match

Use a saved customer list in your targeting.

Predefined Audiences

Select your target audience from the following categories:

  • Lifestyles

  • Shoppers

  • Viewers

  • Visitors

Note: 'Visitors' audience comprising of Placed segments is only available in the U.S currently. Placed Visitation Segments allow you to reach Snapchatters based on the places they visit.


Target users by their device.

Regulated Content

As per Snapchat policy, if your creative or the product being advertised is required to be age-restricted (e.g. gambling-related content, alcohol, etc.) please check the box next to 'Regulated Content.’

Install State

Select to choose a target audience based on the following three install states:

  • Installed

  • Not Installed

  • Everyone

Save to Audience Manager

Select to save your targeting for future use.

Ad Format: On Demand Geofilters


Provide a name for your Snapchat targeting.

Custom Location

Enter an address to set a custom targeting location.

Min Age

Set a minimum age to restrict content.

Budget and Schedule

  1. Enter the details for the respective fields. For more details, see Budget and Schedule — Field Descriptions.

  2. Click Next.

Budget and Schedule — Field Descriptions



Configure all Ad Squads individually

Select to apply individual configuration for your Ad Squads, if you have applied multiple targeting selections.

Enter the Schedule & Budget details for Campaign

Start Date

Set a Start Date for your Ad Campaign.

End Date

Set an End Date for your Ad Campaign.

Assign a Sprinklr Budget Source for your Paid Initiative

Select a Budget Source for your Paid Initiative.

Spend Cap

Set a spending cap beyond which your Paid Initiative will stop running.

Campaign Daily Budget

Set the daily budget for the campaign.

Enter the Budget & Schedule details for all Ad Squads

Budget Type

Select a budget type from the dropdown menu.

Daily/Lifetime Budget

Set the budget for your Ad Squad according to the budget type.

Start Date

Set a Start Date for your Ad Squad.

End Date

Set an End Date for your Ad Squad.

Enter the Placement details for all Ad Squads

Automatic Placements (Recommended)

Click to show your ads automatically in places they are likely to perform best.

Edit Placements

Click to edit placements as per your requirements. You can select one or both from:

  • Between Content (Ads watched between stories and professional content)

  • Within Content (Ads watched within professional and curated content)

  • Discover Feed (Story Ads)

Between Content (Ads watched between stories and professional content)

User Stories

Select to run ads between the stories of your audience.

Publisher & Creator Stories

Select to run ads between publisher and creator stories.

Within Content (Ads watched within professional and curated content)

Content Type

Select to include/exclude content types to run ads in between. You can select from the following content types:

News, Entertainment, Science & Technology, Beauty Fashion, Men's Lifestyle, Women's Lifestyle, and General Lifestyle.


Select to include/exclude Snapchat publisher stories where you want to run your ad.

Note: The above placement options are only available for non-commercial ads. To learn more about Commercial Ad placements, see Snapchat Commercial Ads.

Add Placement Variations

Click to create add different variations to your selected placements. This will create a duplicate of your ad squad for each placement variation.

To learn more, see Add Placement Variations.

Enter the Bidding Details for all Ad Squads

Optimize For

Select the optimization for your Ad Squads.

See below to view the corresponding optimization goals for each ad objective:

Website Conversions

Ad Format

Optimize For

Snap Ads

  • Swipes, Pay for Impressions

  • Page View

  • Pixel Purchase

  • Pixel Add to Cart

  • Pixel Sign Up

Note: Page View, Pixel Purchase, and Pixel Add to Cart bidding optimizations can only be used if your ad squad has achieved a minimum of 50 conversion events.

To learn more about enabling Page View, Pixel Purchase, and Pixel Add to Cart as optimization goals for the Website Conversion campaign in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Internal note: Use this DP to enable optimization goals for the Website Conversion campaign: PAID_SNAPCHAT_PIXEL_BIDS_ENABLED

Enablement of this capability requires additional setup.

Story Ad

  • Story Open, Target Cost Per Story Open

  • Pixel Purchase


Ad Format

Optimize For

Audience Filter

  • Uses, Pay for Impressions

  • Impressions, Pay for Impressions

Story Ad

  • Story Open, Target Cost Per Story Open

Lead Gen

Ad Format

Optimize For

Snap Ads

  • Swipes, Pay for Impressions

  • Pixel Sign Up

Story Ad

  • Story Open, Target Cost Per Story Open

Video Views

Optimize For

  • Video Views, Pay for Impressions

  • Long-form Video Views, Pay for Impressions

App Install

Ad Format

Optimize For

Snap Ads

  • Impressions, Pay for Impressions

Story Ad

  • App Install, Pay for Impressions

To learn more about enabling App Add to Cart, App Sign Up, App Purchase as optimization goals for the App Install campaign in your environment, please work with your Success Manager.

Internal note: Use this DP to enable optimization goals for the App Install campaign: PAID_SNAPCHAT_APP_BIDS_ENABLED

Enablement of this capability requires additional setup.

Drive Traffic to Website

Optimize For

  • Swipes, Pay for Impressions

  • Page View

Drive Traffic to App

Optimize For

  • Swipes, Pay for Impressions


Ad Format

Optimize For

Snap Ads

  • Impressions, Pay for Impressions

  • Swipes, Pay for Impressions

Story Ad

  • Impressions, Pay for Impressions

  • Story Open, Target Cost Per Story Open


Select a bidding strategy from the following:

  • Auto Bid (selected by default) - It allows Snapchat to set the bid on your behalf to get the most goal actions as per the budget and target audience.

  • Max Bid - It tells Snapchat the maximum amount to bid for you while trying to achieve the most efficient CPA (Cost per Action) possible.

  • Target Bid (depends on Ad Format and Optimization Goal) - It allows Snapchat to adjust the bid, aiming to keep your average CPA (Cost per Action) at or below the amount set by the Ad Set end date.

  • Minimum ROAS - It allows you to achieve the most purchase value while maintaining a minimum return on your ad spend. Note that this bid strategy is only available with the App Purchase optimization goal for App Installs campaigns.

Bid Value / Minimum ROAS

Set the Max Bid / Target Bid / Minimum ROAS value. This field will not appear for Auto Bid.

Set Up User Frequency Cap

Specify the maximum number of times and the number of days for which you want a user to view your ad.


You will only be able to use this feature when the field Optimize For is selected as Impressions.

Pacing Type

The pacing type is the pace at which your ads will be delivered throughout the duration of your flight. Select a pacing type from:

  • Standard - Show your Ads throughout the day.

  • Accelerated - Show your Ads as quickly as possible.


Accelerated delivery is only available for Max Bid with Impressions, Uses, Swipes, Video Views, and Story Opens optimization goals.

Enter the Dayparting details for all Ad Squads

Run ads all the time

Select to run your Ads every time.

Run ads on a schedule

Select to run your Ads on a specific schedule.

*Fields with red dots are mandatory.

Tip: If you set a Spend Cap, ads in the campaign will stop running once the amount has been spent, ensuring you don't over-spend.

To set an Ad Account Lifetime Spend Cap, the account must be added by a Snapchat Organization Admin or an error will occur. To be able to set these within Sprinklr, please re-add the account by an organization admin. Please see Snapchat's Roles and Permission help section for help in setting up business account permissions:

Target Bid — Supported Ad Formats & Optimization Goals

Target Bid is only supported for the following Ad Formats and its corresponding Optimization Goals:

Ad Format

Optimize for

Objective: Awareness

Story Ad

Story Open, Target Cost Per Story Open

Objective: App Install

Snap Ads

  • App Install, Pay for Impressions

  • Swipes, Pay for Impressions

Story Ad

  • App Install, Pay for Impressions

  • App Purchase

Objective: Drive Traffic to Website

Snap Ads (By default)

  • Swipes, Pay for Impressions

  • Page View

Objective: Drive Traffic to App

Snap Ads (By default)

Swipes, Pay for Impressions

Objective: Engagement

Story Ad

Story Open, Target Cost Per Story Open

Objective: Lead Gen

Snap Ads

  • Swipes, Pay for Impressions

  • Pixel Sign Up

Story Ads

Story Open, Target Cost Per Story Open

Objective: Website Conversions

Snap Ads

  • Swipes, Pay for Impressions

  • Pixel Sign Up

Story Ads

  • Story Open, Target Cost Per Story Open

  • Pixel Purchase

Select Creatives

On the Creatives window, select from saved Snapchat Creatives, or click Create New Creative to craft new Ad Creatives. Select the Ad format from the following options - Snap Ads, Story Ads, Collection Ads, Commercial Ads, and Filter Ads.

The instructions to add new creatives depend on the ad formats that you have chosen:

Create New Creatives for Snap Ads and Audience Filter — Field Descriptions



Creative Header

Post Type

Select a post type for your creative. You can choose from the corresponding post types with respect to the selected objective:

  • Awareness - Top Snap, Longform Video Snap, WebSite, App Install, Deep Link

  • Video Views - Top Snap or Longform Video Snap

  • Engagement - Audience Filter

  • Drive Traffic to Website - Web Views

  • Drive Traffic to App - Deep Link

  • App Install - App Install

  • Website Conversions - Web Views

  • Lead Gen - Web Views

Creative Details

Image / Video

Upload image(s) or video(s) in this section.


For Top Snap post type, you can upload videos of between 3 to 180 seconds in length and up to 1 GB of video file size.


Enter a name for your ad creative.

Brand Name

Enter the name of your brand.

Note: Brand Name field will not be mandatory given that the public profile is selected.

Public Profile

Select your public profile from the dropdown menu. You can also link your brand name to your public profile.

Deep Link URL

(Supported for Deep Link Ads)

Enter the deep link URL. Snapchatters will be taken here when they swipe up on your ads.

Call to Action

Choose the action you want people to take when they see your ad.

App Icon

(Supported for App Install and Drive Traffic to App Ads)

Select your app icon image.


  • Icon File Type: PNG

  • Maximum File Size: 2MB

  • Icon Shape: Square

  • Minimum Dimension: 200px * 200px

  • Maximum Dimension: 2000px * 2000px

Fallback Types

(Supported for Deep Link Ads)

Select one from the following options:

  • App Installs - This will open the App Store for the users to download the application.

  • Web Site - Enter the website URL in the Web Site Url field. This will allow users to fall back to the website instead of the App Store if they don't have the app installed for deep link ads.


Enter a headline to grab the attention of people towards your creatives.

Allow users to share ads with friends

Check this box to allow your users to share ads with their friends.


Click to save your ad creative.

Create New Creatives for Story Ad — Field Descriptions

For detailed information on how to create Snapchat Story Ads, see Compose Snapchat Story Ads.



Creative Header

Post Type

Select Story Ads from the drop-down menu.

Creative Details

Discover Tile

Add the Background image, Logo, and Headline for your tile creative.

2, 3, 4, +

Click these tabs to add photos/videos for each collection and the corresponding ad details.


Enter a name for your collection ad creative.

Brand Name

Enter the name of your brand.

Play Style

Select to specify whether your story ad will auto-advance or loop through each creative. By default, story ads are set to Auto Advance.


Enter a headline to grab the attention of people towards your story ad creative.

Allow users to share ads with friends

Check this box to allow your users to share ads with their friends.

Note: This feature is not applicable if Regulated Content is checked in Targeting.


Click to save your story ad creative.


  • The Preview creative type in the right shows how the assets of your story ad tile look in the discover feed.

  • For published Snapchat Story Ads, you can view the number of times a user has tapped on your ad tile and has taken an action using the Snapchat Story Opens and Snapchat Story Completes metrics from Ads Manager and Ads Reporting.

Create New Creatives for Collection Ad — Field Descriptions



Creative Header

Post Type

Select from the following post types:

  • Website

  • Deep Link

Creative Details

Image / Video

Upload an image or video in this section.

1, 2, 3, 4, +

Click these tabs to add photos/videos for each collection and the corresponding ad details.


Enter a name for your collection ad creative.

Brand Name

Enter the name of your brand.

App Name

Specify the app name for your ad.

Deeplink URL

Enter the deep link URL. Snapchatters will be taken here when they swipe up on your ads.

Call to Action

Choose the action you want people to take when they see your ad.

App Icon

Select your app icon image.


  • Icon File Type: PNG

  • Maximum File Size: 2MB

  • Icon Shape: Square

  • Minimum Dimension: 200px * 200px

  • Maximum Dimension: 2000px * 2000px


Enter a headline to grab the attention of people towards your story ad creative.

Allow users to share ads with friends

Check this box to allow your users to share ads with their friends.

Note: This feature is not applicable if Regulated Content is checked in Targeting.


Click to save your collection ad creative.

Advanced Configuration

  • In the Advanced Configuration section, you can view the ad entities in the left-hand side pane and make changes to individual properties.

  • At the Campaign level, you can click Configure DCM under Third Party Tracking to configure Google Campaign Manager. On the DCM Configuration window, fill in the details and click Save. For more information, see Google Campaign Manager Configuration — Field Descriptions.

  • You can also delete any Ad within an Ad Squad by hovering over the Options icon alongside an ad and clicking Remove from Ad Group.

  • You can select Snapchat Pixel as a Tracking Pixel at the Ad Squad level to keep track of your conversions for the supported objectives. By default, it will be pre-selected for these objectives - Awareness, Engagement, Video Views, Drive Traffic to Website, Lead Gen, and Website Conversions.

  • At the Ad Squad level, you can automatically add tracking tags to all ads within an ad squad by flagging the following box(es) under Third Party Tagging:

    • MOAT- Use this flag to automatically add MOAT tracking tags to all ads under this ad squad.

    • DoubleVerify - Use this flag to automatically add DoubleVerify tracking tags to all ads under this ad squad.

  • At the Snap Ad level, you can click Copy to all alongside Impression Tag Urls and Swipe Up Tag Urlsfields and select from the below options to copy the properties to all other ad variants.

    • Copy to all Snap Ads in this Ad Squads

    • Copy to all Snap Ads in all Ad Squads

  • You can select a benchmark and pacing entity at the campaign level from Select Benchmark and Pacing Group drop-down menus, respectively.

  • You can select a type of dark post creation at the campaign level under Dark Post Creation from:

    • Identical Story ID Across Ad Sets - if you want one post to be created and used across all Ad Sets selected.

    • Unique Story ID Per Ad Set - If you want a unique post to be created for every target audience you create.

Google Campaign Manager Configuration — Field Descriptions



Select Configuration

Create New

Select to create a new Campaign Manager configuration.

Select Existing

Select to choose an existing Campaign Manager configuration.

DCM Profile Information

Select User

Select the user for the Campaign Manager Configuration.

Select Advertiser

Select the desired advertiser from the drop-down.

DCM Name Convention

Select the Campaign Manager naming convention.

Placement Information

Start Date

Select the start date for the placement.

End Date

Select the end date for the placement.


Once the Google Campaign Manager is created, you cannot edit the campaign dates. Hence, it is recommended that the campaign End Date be extended far into the future.

Placement Site Url

Enter the URL for the placement site.

Placement Site Name

Enter a name for the placement site.

Placement Dimensions

Placement Height

Enter the height for the placement.

Placement Width

Enter the width for the placement.

Placement Compatibility

Select the placement compatibility from the drop-down menu.

Placement Payment Source

Select the placement payment source from the drop-down menu.

Placement Pricing Type

Select the placement pricing type from the drop-down menu.

External ID

Enter the external ID for the placement.

An external ID is any ID that you might use outside Google Campaign Manager to identify items in internal reports.

Targeting Information - DoubleClick Placement Mapping Level

Paid Initiative

One DoubleClick Placement will be created, and every Ad Variant under the Social Campaign will be created as DoubleClick Ads under the DoubleClick Placement.

For example, if a social campaign has 2 Ad Sets with 4 Ads under each Ad Set (8 Ad Variants Total), then selecting Paid Initiative as the Targeting Level will create 1 DoubleClick Placement with 0 DoubleClick Ads under it.

Ad Set

One DoubleClick Placement will be created for every Social Ad Set, and every Ad Variant under each specific Ad Set will be a DoubleClick Ad under the respective DoubleClick Placement.

For example, if a social campaign has 3 Ad Sets with 2 Ads under each Ad Set (6 Ad Variants Total), then selecting Ad Set as the Targeting Level will create 3 DoubleClick Placements with 2 DoubleClick Ads under each.

Ad Variant

One DoubleClick Placement will be created for every Social Ad Variant, and every Ad Variant under each specific Ad Set will be a DoubleClick Ad under the respective DoubleClick Placement.

For example, if a social campaign has 10 Ad Variants, then selecting Ad Variant as the Targeting Level will create 10 DoubleClick Placements with 1 DoubleClick Ad under each.


Automate the management of budget distribution, bidding, targeting, and creatives rotation to achieve your optimization objective with a minimum cost per action using Strategy Groups. Learn more about Strategy Groups.

  1. On the Configure your Campaign Optimization window, select one or more Strategy Group optimization(s) you want to apply to your campaign from the Strategy Group drop-down menu. Your selected Strategy Group(s) details will be displayed below.

  2. If you want to create your Strategy Group from scratch and then apply it to your campaign, click Create New below the drop-down menu or Create New Strategy Group in the top-right corner of the drop-down (when a Strategy Group is selected). This will open up the Strategy Group creation pane alongside and you will not need to leave Ads Composer.

    To learn more about creating a Strategy Group, see Create a Strategy Group. Create new Strategy Group from Ads Composer

  3. Click Next to proceed to the Review section for scheduling and publishing your campaign.


On the Review window, you can review all details for the Paid Initiative, Ad Sets, and Ad Variants, including the basic details for your Campaign, Ad Set Targeting, Placements, Duration & Pricing, and all Ad Creatives.

Tip: Click the Back button in the Ads Composer to go back to make any changes to Campaign Details, Targeting, Budget & Scheduling, or Creatives.

Click Publish and select one from the following:

  • Publish - To immediately schedule your Ad Campaign on Snapchat.

  • Published as Paused - To publish the ad campaign without activating it.

  • Send for Approval - To send your newly composed campaign to a reviewer for approval.