Creating the landing page


Sprinklr Hosted Page

  1. Brand creates and configure a live chat application in Sprinklr

  2. Field team raise request with product team to create a live chat custom page

  3. Product team creates the page and shares the URL. Brands can optionally use their own domain by adding CNAME mapping for URL and sharing SSL certificate of subdomain with Sprinklr.

  4. URL sent back to the product team who then creates a dynamic link asset which can be sent to the customer to open the live chat page.​

  5. Field team to add Sprinklr Live Chat account in the existing case maker setup of customers.

Custom Domain Name

For a brand to have an URL of their own choice (let's say, we can use CNAME mapping for URL generated by Sprinklr (let's say The steps are as follows: 

  1. Brand creates a subdomain on their side as per their preference of how URLs should look, example -

  2. SSL for 

    1. Option#1: Either brand shares the SSL chain for with Sprinklr. Please make sure the SSL chain has the following components: Domain Cert, Private Key, Root Key, CA Key

    2. Option#2: Sprinklr gets the SSL on our side - and to allow Sprinklr to get SSL for, brand has to add a CNAME record on their side which Sprinklr will provide (We use AWS, and detailed explanation is provided here)

  3. Sprinklr will provide the final CNAME entry for mapping to

  4. Brand has to add the CNAME provided in step 3 on their side

This is what the final custom page created by Sprinklr will look like:

The following items are customizable on this page

  1. Favicon Image

  2. Brand Logo Image

  3. Header Color + Text (Can also add text here, Eg: “We operate between 9am-9pm”)

  4. Page background color

  5. This is your Livechat application, all relevant customizations can be done from the builder

NOTE: We do not display the chat header or the back arrow button in the LC page

This is because of the following reasons
1. The aim of the Chat Header is to display information regarding the brand, we have already did that by adding the “Brand Logo” and “Header Logo+Text” as mentioned under customizable items

2. Having a Back button would defeat the purpose of the customer landing on a particular page via a link. Using the back button customer could potentially navigate to their previous chats

Implementation Timeline: 1-2 weeks

Brand Hosted Live Chat

  1. Brand creates and configure a live chat application in Sprinklr

  2. Product team will share embed JS code 

  3. Brand creates a custom page and embeds JS code in it to host Live Chat. Brand will pass back the token received in query parameter in URL to Sprinklr JS code

  4. URL sent back to the product team who then creates a dynamic link asset which can be sent to the customer to open the live chat page.

  5. Field team to add Sprinklr Live Chat account in the existing case maker setup of customers.

Implementation Timeline: 3-4 weeks depending on brand's availability and proactiveness