Add and Configure Widgets


Use Cases of Record Page Builder for Different Layouts

  1. Add a New Widget
    add or remove widgets for different layouts. Various types of widgets, including Reporting, Customer 360, Coaching, Learning, etc., can be seamlessly incorporated or excluded based on distinct customer use cases.

  2. Individual Widget Configuration

    Consider the example of Case Details, where you have the flexibility to configure the height, entity type, column count, and the fields to be displayed. You can also rearrange these fields by dragging them into their desired positions.

    Another example is the Reporting widget, which provides the capability to incorporate any reporting dashboard widget into the layout. This allows you to showcase specific case data within the widget.

  3. Add Button Actions in Case Analytics

    In Case Analytics, you can incorporate various buttons. These buttons may include Macro buttons, Case Details buttons, and Guided Workflow buttons, each serving specific purposes.

  4. Add a New Tab
    You have the capability to add a new tab to the layout alongside Case Details, Omnichannel Interaction, and Customer 360. This new tab allows you to display separate widgets based on the specific use case.

  5. Channel Based Layouts
    Channel-specific layouts can be configured to cater to distinct use cases. You have the flexibility to add or remove widgets from layouts for specific channels. For example, the Time Utilization widget, which displays customer talk time, advisor talk time, and dead airtime split, may be relevant only for voice cases and not applicable to live chat cases.

  6. Increase/Decrease the Height of a Widget
    You can adjust the height of a widget by modifying the settings. By clicking on a specific widget, you can access the settings as shown in the screenshot below. For instance, you can set the height to 50px for a widget.

  7. Control Layout Based on User Roles
    Record page layouts can be configured to dynamically adapt based on the roles of the users. This allows for the presentation of different views of the same case to distinct sets of users, with the layout being controlled by the roles assigned to these users.

    Widget Editing

CSAT Trend

The CSAT Trend widget allows you to observe how customer satisfaction has fluctuated throughout the case, highlighting the messages that influenced peaks or troughs. You have the flexibility to edit the height of the widget, typically set to 300px.

A screen shot of a graphDescription automatically generated

You can add the CSAT Trend widget to the record page in two ways:

I) Click the "+" sign where you want to add the widget and then select "Case CSAT Trend" from the widget library.

II) Add this JSON file to the code editor of the record page. Refer to the following snippet, making sure to change the id and name according to your requirements. The "id" should align with the layout of the record page.

Text Box

Case Analysis

The Case Analysis widget provides a concise overview of the case summary, key metrics, and contact drivers, facilitating quick access to crucial information for more informed decision-making.


In Case Analysis widget, you can add Message Level Summary, Custom Fields, SNR, Loudness, Rate of Speech Tiles. To add any of these fields in Case Analysis Widget or to remove any of the existing ones, the configuration for each of the tiles/section can be removed. 
A screenshot of a computer programDescription automatically generated 

You can also add any custom metric related to a case within the Case Analysis widget. These metrics can be sourced from Inbound Case, Voice, Process Execution, Case Macro Usage, Audit Checklist Response, and Audit Calibration Reports. A threshold can be defined for each custom metric, and based on this threshold, the metric value will indicate whether it has performed above or below expectations for the case. This enhancement provides more detailed and tailored insights into case performance.

{  type: 'METRIC',  metric: '6683b97c327ec934db347fa2',  name: 'percentage',  threshold: 50,  invertDeltaColor: true,},
{  type: 'METRIC',  metric: '6683b97c327ec934db347fa2',},
{  type: 'METRIC',  metric: '6683b97c327ec934db347fa2',  threshold: [50, 100],},

Conversation Timeline

The Conversation Timeline widget allows visualization of conversations for both voice and non-voice cases. Markers for important moments such as intent, sentiment, mute start, mute end, custom fields, and more can be displayed, and users can jump to relevant sections by clicking on these markers. The corresponding JSON file for the Conversation Timeline widget is provided below. Ensure that the "id" and "name" values align with the layout of the page.

Text Box

Within the Conversation Timeline, you have the capability to incorporate markers based on custom fields, SNR, loudness, RoS indicators, and filters. These adjustments are managed through the props section of the Conversation Widget (Call Transcript for voice cases/ Conversations for digital cases).

To include custom fields markers in the conversation timeline, utilize the following configuration in the markersConfig:

Ensure that the 'id' corresponds to the Field Name of the Custom Field.

A screen shot of a computer programDescription automatically generated

Filters, SNR, and Loudness can be managed using the following syntax:

A screen shot of a computerDescription automatically generated

Case Overview

The Case Overview widget provides a snapshot of the case, including details such as the case number, CSAT score, AHT (Average Handling Time), and creation time. The height of this widget is fixed at 86px and cannot be modified.

To add this widget, you can either select "Case Overview" from the widget library (similar to adding CSAT Trend) or include the provided JSON file in the record page editor. Ensure that the "id" and "name" values align with the layout configuration.

Text Box


The Coaching widget provides a list of upcoming, due, or completed coaching sessions. Users can quickly access and manage their coaching schedule with this widget.

To add this widget, you can either select "Coaching Session" from the widget library (similar to adding CSAT Trend) or include the provided JSON file in the record page editor. Ensure that the "id" and "name" values align with the layout configuration.

 Text Box