Record Page Governance


The Case Analytics View in Conversational Analytics provides users with a consolidated display of agent-customer conversations. It integrates AI scoring to assess agent performance and includes a widget highlighting identified intents and entities within the conversation. Additionally, it presents various case details, offering a comprehensive view to access all relevant information in one location.

Business Use Case 

Display varying levels of information based on the user's hierarchy.


A record page can be shared through the following options:

  1. Roles

  2. Case Custom Fields

Configuration Steps

Admins must possess the Record Page Builder permissions to initiate the configuration process.





Create a new layout. 


Preview the record page. 


Edit the record page.


Delete the record page.

Advanced Editor 

Access the code editor. 

Share a Case Analytics Record Page Based on Roles

When a Case Analytics record page is shared with users based on their roles, all users with the same role will have access to the same Care Console. To implement this, the role ID of the specific role can be added to the Case Analytics record page as follows.
1. Navigate to Sprinklr Care Console Manager or access https://<env> Choose Case Analytics under Asset Class.

2. Open the record page that you wish to share based on the assigned role.

3. Locate the Code Editor on the right side.

4. In the code editor, search for the section related to Grants. Here, define the role IDs for which the record page should be visible.

In the case of multiple roles, the syntax should resemble the example below:


5. Click Apply Changes. If you encounter any JSON error message, please validate your complete JSON code at JSON Formatter.

6. After clicking the Save button, your role IDs are configured for the record page.

Share a Case Analytics Record Page Based on Case Custom Field

It is possible to have multiple Case Analytics views for a single case. Based on the value of a custom field, the Case Analytics layout can be dynamically changed to a different configuration.

1. In the JSON editor, locate the filter object and modify the custom field name in the "field" parameter to universalCase.uCW.cProp.<custom_field_name>.0. Assign the custom field's value to the "values" parameter as ["<custom_field_value"]. Below is an example code snippet that can be applied in the record page editor:

"filter": { "__typename": "GraphqlShifuFilter", "accessibleValues": null, "advancedFilters": null, "allValuesAllowed": true, "details": {}, "favourite": false, "field": "universalCase.uCW.cProp._c_628c734690e4254a7d1e6608.0", "filterType": "IN", "filters": null, "hidden": false, "locked": false, "mandatory": false, "userFilter": false, "values": [ "Yes" }

2. Click Apply Changes. If you encounter any JSON error message, please validate your complete JSON code at JSON Formatter.

3. After clicking the Save button, your custom field filters are configured for the record page.

Case Analytics Record Page Based on App ID

Case Analytics can be customized based on the App ID, which serves as the unique identifier for each persona. This allows for different Case Analytics layouts to be displayed for different personas.

To find the App ID of a persona:

  1. Open the Persona with the Network tab opened in Inspect.

  2. Search for "getRecordPageForUser" query using the filter.

  3. Under the Payload section, locate the App ID under "appName."

In the Record Page Editor:

Paste the App Name in the "appId" field for those record pages that should only be shown in that particular persona.

A screenshot of a computer programDescription automatically generated

Note: If the Record Page does not have any App ID mentioned, it will be reflected in all personas.

Order of Record Pages

A user may have multiple record pages shared with them, depending on their role IDs and case custom field values. However, when handling a case, the agent can only view one Care Console layout. To manage multiple record pages, utilize the "order" field present in the record page, as shown below:

  1. Increasing the order of a record page reduces its priority.

  2. For example, if Record Page 1 has an order of 100 and Record Page 2 has an order of 10, and both are shared with the user, Record Page 2 will be displayed to the user because it has a lower order, indicating higher priority.

    Note: The "Order" field is a NUMBER field, and therefore, it should be specified without quotes (""") in the record page configuration.


  • Open the browser developer tools.

  • Navigate to the Elements tab and use Ctrl + F to open the search.

  • Search for "data-record-page-id."

  • The ID of the current record page that the user is viewing will be displayed.

  • Copy the ID and search for it in the Care Console Manager.

To View All Record Pages Eligible for a User

  1. Right-click and open the Inspect Element of the browser.

  2. Navigate to the Network tab, refresh the browser, and clear the network tab.

  3. Open any case using the case overview icon. Search for "recordPage." You will observe a network call named "recordPagesForUser."

  4. Click on the "recordPagesForUser" network call to open it. Navigate to the Preview tab, and open the "data" section.

  5. You can observe all the record pages shared with the user. This allows you to cross-check the order and determine the appropriate sequence for assigning record pages.