Record Page Layout


The Record Page Builder offers the functionality to add new sections and tabs into a Record Page. The standard default layout for Record Pages is located in the Global Record Pages.

Here are some other frequently utilized configurations for Record Page Layouts that may require setup:

1. Adding a Coaching Widget in the Case Analytics Page

A screenshot of a chatDescription automatically generated
Sample allComponents Layout

"allComponents": {     "1": {       "langVsTranslatedFieldValues": null,       "id": "1",       "templateId": "@sprinklr/widget/Layout",       "persistedId": null,       "name": null,       "order": 0,       "children": [         "1a1",         "1a2"       ],       "props": {         "pageTemplate": "TWO_COLS_PINNED_LEFT",         "leftColSpan": 8,         "rightColSpan": 15       },       "context": null,       "uiEvents": null,       "formLayout": null,       "tableLayout": null,       "buttons": null,       "valueSource": null,       "evaluatedValue": null,       "translations": null     },     "1a1a": {       "langVsTranslatedFieldValues": null,       "id": "1a1a",       "templateId": "@sprinklr/widget/CaseQualityAudit",       "persistedId": null,       "name": "ONE",       "order": 0,       "children": null,       "props": {         "height": "calc(100vh - 64px - 12px - 8px - 224px)",         "title": "Audit Results"       },       "context": null,       "uiEvents": null,       "formLayout": null,       "tableLayout": null,       "buttons": null,       "valueSource": null,       "evaluatedValue": null,       "translations": null     },     "1a1b": {       "langVsTranslatedFieldValues": null,       "id": "1a1b",       "templateId": "@sprinklr/widget/RecordCoachingWidget",       "persistedId": null,       "name": "ONE",       "order": 0,       "children": null,       "props": {         "title": "Coaching Widget"       },       "context": null,       "uiEvents": null,       "formLayout": null,       "tableLayout": null,       "buttons": null,       "valueSource": null,       "evaluatedValue": null,       "translations": null     },     "1a1": {       "langVsTranslatedFieldValues": null,       "id": "1a1",       "templateId": "@sprinklr/widget/Layout",       "persistedId": null,       "name": "ONE",       "order": 0,       "children": [         "1a1a",         "1a1b"       ],       "props": {         "pageTemplate": "HEADER_BODY"       },       "context": null,       "uiEvents": null,       "formLayout": null,       "tableLayout": null,       "buttons": null,       "valueSource": null,       "evaluatedValue": null,       "translations": null     },     "1a2a": {       "langVsTranslatedFieldValues": null,       "id": "1a2a",       "templateId": "@sprinklr/widget/UniversalCaseOverview",       "persistedId": null,       "name": "ONE",       "order": 0,       "children": null,       "props": {         "height": "138px",         "title": "Case Overview"       },       "context": null,       "uiEvents": null,       "formLayout": null,       "tableLayout": null,       "buttons": null,       "valueSource": null,       "evaluatedValue": null,       "translations": null     },     "1a2b": {       "langVsTranslatedFieldValues": null,       "id": "1a2b",       "templateId": "@sprinklr/widget/ConversationTimeline",       "persistedId": null,       "name": "ONE",       "order": 0,       "children": null,       "props": {         "height": "calc(100vh - 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2. Adding Multiple Tabs in Record Page

A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated

"allComponents": { "1": { "langVsTranslatedFieldValues": null, "id": "1", "templateId": "@sprinklr/widget/Layout", "persistedId": null, "name": null, "order": 0, "children": [ "1A", "h" ], "props": { "pageTemplate": "TWO_COLS_PINNED_LEFT", "leftColSpan": 5, "rightColSpan": 4 }, "context": null, "uiEvents": null, "formLayout": null, "tableLayout": null, "buttons": null, "valueSource": null, "evaluatedValue": null, "translations": null }, "1A1": { "langVsTranslatedFieldValues": null, "id": "1A1", "templateId": "@sprinklr/widget/ConversationTimeline", "persistedId": null, "name": "ONE", "order": 0, "children": null, "props": { "title": "Call Transcript", "height": "calc(100vh - 64px - 12px)", "filterIdsToShow": [ "fanMsgSentiment", "workflowTags", "score_exp", "message" ], "markersConfig": [ { "type": "CUSTOM_FIELD", "id": "detected_intent", "condition": { "filterType": "EXISTS", "field": "detected_intent" }, "colorCode": "#964B00" }, { "type": "CUSTOM_FIELD", "id": "_c_648c2251e1ee0a7b5fc18ea5", "colorCode": "green" }, { "type": "STANDARD", "id": "NEGATIVE_SENTIMENT" }, { "type": "STANDARD", "id": "TRANSFER" }, { "type": "STANDARD", "id": "HOLD_END" }, { "type": "STANDARD", "id": "HOLD_START" } ] }, "context": null, "uiEvents": null, "formLayout": null, "tableLayout": null, "buttons": null, "valueSource": null, "evaluatedValue": null, "translations": null }, "1A": { "langVsTranslatedFieldValues": null, "id": "1A", "templateId": "@sprinklr/widget/Layout", "persistedId": null, "name": "ONE", "order": 0, "children": [ "1A1" ], "props": { "pageTemplate": "HEADER_BODY", "className": "h-full" }, "context": null, "uiEvents": null, "formLayout": null, "tableLayout": null, "buttons": null, "valueSource": null, "evaluatedValue": null, "translations": null }, "2A1": { "langVsTranslatedFieldValues": null, "id": "2A1", "templateId": "@sprinklr/widgets/QualityScoreBreakdown", "persistedId": null, "name": "ONE", "order": 0, "children": null, "props": { "title": "AI Score Breakdown", "height": "calc(100vh - 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